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Society for Endocrinology BES 2015

Edinburgh, UK
02 Nov 2015 - 04 Nov 2015

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2-4 November 2015, Edinburgh, UK Further information


Clinical implications of thyroid genomics (Supported by <emphasis role="italic">Journal of Molecular Endocrinology</emphasis>)

ea0038s6.1 | Clinical implications of thyroid genomics (Supported by <emphasis role="italic">Journal of Molecular Endocrinology</emphasis>) | SFEBES2015

Thyroid genomics: relevance to thyroid hormone therapy

Dayan Colin

Many processes are involved between ingesting thyroid hormone and the hormone having an effect within cells. These include hormone absorption, transport into cells, deiodination (for activation and inactivation), export from cells, receptor binding, and activation. Rare, major single gene defects have been reported at many though not all of these steps. Genome wide analyses have also identified multiple common loci associated with TSH and to lesser extent FT4 and FT...

ea0038s6.3 | Clinical implications of thyroid genomics (Supported by <emphasis role="italic">Journal of Molecular Endocrinology</emphasis>) | SFEBES2015

TCGA genomic characterization of papillary thyroid carcinoma

Giordano Thomas

Objective: Journal of Molecular Endocrinology)-->Recent advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology have permitted comprehensive genomic characterization of the most common types of cancer. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a program of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (a joint NCI and NHGRI effort), was created to systematically analyze the genome of the most common types of cancer, inclu...