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Society for Endocrinology BES 2010


Fit or fat? Mechanisms regulating our metabolic fate

ea0021s6.1 | Fit or fat? Mechanisms regulating our metabolic fate | SFEBES2009

FTO variants are associated with overeating and many long-term health problems associated with obesity

Palmer C

Monogenic obesity disorders and mouse models of obesity have overwhelmingly pointed to hyperphagia as the predominant genetic force in promoting obesity, it was therefore no surprise when the most robust common variant associated with obesity from GWAS studies was associated with increased energy intake. We and other groups have shown that variants in the FTO gene are not associated with increased food intake per se, but rather display a preference for energy dense foods resul...

ea0021s6.4 | Fit or fat? Mechanisms regulating our metabolic fate | SFEBES2009

Mechanisms of serotonin regulating food intake: the role of the melanocortin pathway

Heisler Lora , Lam Daniel

The central serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) system is an established modulator of energy balance. Therefore, it is unsurprising that former (e.g. D-fenfluramine), current (e.g. sibutramine), and drug discovery (e.g. lorcaserin) obesity treatments target serotonin pathways to affect food intake and body weight. Pharmacological and genetic research implicates the Gq-coupled serotonin 2C receptor (5-HT2CR) and the Gi-coupled serotonin 1B receptor (5-HT1BR) sp...