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197th Meeting of the Society for Endocrinology


Controlling the overactive parathyroid

ea0012s28 | Controlling the overactive parathyroid | SFE2006

Consequences of primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism

Hosking D

The sustained over-secretion of PTH is a common clinical problem with particular consequences for the skeleton. Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) increases the bone surface undergoing remodelling, amplifies the negative balance at the bone multicellular unit and increases activation frequency, eroded surface and formation, without increased trabecular perforation. Cortical bone is particularly susceptible to the effects of hyperparathyroidism and bone mineral density (BMD) measurement...

ea0012s29 | Controlling the overactive parathyroid | SFE2006

Medical management of secondary hyperparathyroidism – lessons from renal disease

Cunningham J

Secondary hyperparathyroidism, an inevitable consequence of untreated chronic uraemia, is an adaptive response to sustained phosphate retention, failure of calcitriol synthesis and hypocalcaemia. For many years the therapeutic approach to these abnormalities has been relatively constant, comprising, respectively, dietary phosphate restriction with oral phosphate binders, replacement of the deficient active vitamin D ligand, and calcium supplementation by the oral and/or transd...

ea0012s30 | Controlling the overactive parathyroid | SFE2006

Medical management of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP)

Peacock M

PHP has four serious complications: urinary calcium stone disease; nephrocalcinosis; high-turnover metabolic bone disease; and hypercalcemia. Medical management is reserved for patients who are asymptomatic or who have failed, refused or are unfit for surgery. Aims of medical management are to prevent increase in severity of disease and to ameliorate and prevent the disease complications.Prevention of increase in severity includes regular follow-up, ensu...

ea0012s31 | Controlling the overactive parathyroid | SFE2006

Advances in the surgical management of hyperparathyroidism

Harrison BJ

The gold standard for the surgical cure of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) for many years was cervical exploration under general anaesthetic, identification of 4 parathyroid glands and removal of enlarged/abnormal glands. Despite cure rates in expert hands of 98% with minimal morbidity the surgical management of PHPT is changing.PHPT in most cases (85%) is caused by single gland disease. The advances in preoperative localisation of abnormal parathyroi...