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16th European Congress of Endocrinology


Gut microbiota in diabetes and obesity

ea0035s12.2 | Gut microbiota in diabetes and obesity | ECE2014

Fecal transplantation in obesity/type 2 diabetes Dr M Nieuwdorp

Nieuwdorp Max

Alterations in (small) intestinal microbiota are associated with obesity and insulin resistance, with the latter usually characterized by low grade endotoxemia. We recently showed that fecal transplantation (infusing intestinal microbiota from lean donors) in male recipients with metabolic syndrome has beneficial effects on the recipientsÂ’ microbiota composition and glucose metabolism via lowering plasma endotoxin levels (Vrieze, Gastroenterology 2012). Moreover, prelimin...

ea0035s12.3 | Gut microbiota in diabetes and obesity | ECE2014

Functional interactions between diet, microbiota and host: effects on intestinal architecture and host nutrient absorption

Greiner Thomas

The human gut is home to a vast number of bacteria, the microbiota, whose genomes complement our own set of genes. The gut microbiota functions at the intersection between host genotype and diet to modulate host physiology and metabolism, and recent data have revealed that an altered gut microbiota can contribute to obesity. The gut microbiota affects host physiology and metabolism by several mechanisms including increased energy harvest from the diet, modulation of lipid meta...