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Endocrine Abstracts (2024) 104 P15 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.104.P15

1Department of Endocrinology, University Hospital Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; 2Department of Histopathology, University Hospital Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; 3University of Limerick School of Medicine, Limerick, Ireland

PPGL’s are tumours arising from adrenomedullary and extra-adrenal chromaffin cells. The Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) has issued updated guidance on the minimum dataset requirements in the histopathological reporting of PPGLs. The datasets enable pathologists to grade and stage cancers in a consistent manner and provide prognostic information, to facilitate the highest standard of care for patients. This retrospective analysis was conducted to assess if PPGL histopathological reports from within a model 4 hospital in Ireland would be in compliance with updated guidance. Data was reviewed from all specimens coded as adrenal in the laboratory information system for a period of 10-years. The RCPath dataset outlines 16 core items that should be included in each report and 5 non-core items that may be included to provide a comprehensive report or to meet local clinical or research requirements. A total of six histopathological specimens were reported as containing phaeochromocytoma. None of these reports met the RCPath updated minimum dataset requirements. The results [case 1 (12/16 core, 3/5 non-core), case 2 (10/16 core,1/5 non-core), case 3 (11/16 core, 1/5 non-core), case 4 (12/16 core, 2/5 non-core) case 5 (12/16 core, 2/5 non-core) and case 6 (11/16 core, 2/5 non-core)] show variable levels of compliance. All histopathological reports predated the updated RCPath recommendation, despite this on average 70% of core dataset items were reported. It is recommended that at least 95% of reports on cancer resections record a full set of core items. At present there is a narrative structure to reporting at our institution, this may account for the omission of core items, presumably as they were absent. However, the implementation of reporting templates should promote compliance with the minimum data-set, while retention of a narrative descriptive field allows reporting pathologists to include any surplus information or context they feel is required.

Volume 104

Joint Irish-UK Endocrine Meeting 2024

Belfast, Northern Ireland
14 Oct 2024 - 15 Oct 2024

Society for Endocrinology 

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