Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Previous issue | Volume 104 | SFEIES24

Joint Irish-UK Endocrine Meeting 2024

Belfast, Northern Ireland
14 Oct 2024 - 15 Oct 2024

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Tricky Pituitary Cases

ea0104s7.1 | Tricky Pituitary Cases | SFEIES24

Abstract unavailable...

ea0104S7.2 | Tricky Pituitary Cases | SFEIES24

Cyclical cushing’s syndrome

Isand Kristina

Cyclical Cushing’s Syndrome (CS) is a rare and complex disorder, accounting for approximately 14-18% of all CS cases. It is characterized by repeated episodes of cortisol excess in blood, saliva, and/or urine, interspersed with periods of normal or even low cortisol levels, observed on at least 2-3 separate occasions. The duration of each hypercortisolemic episode can vary widely, lasting from days to years, and may occur at regular or irregular intervals. This condition ...