Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Previous issue | Volume 104 | SFEIES24

Joint Irish-UK Endocrine Meeting 2024

Belfast, Northern Ireland
14 Oct 2024 - 15 Oct 2024

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Poster Presentations


ea0104p138 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Treatment resistant cushing’s disease following standard and novel multi-modal therapy in the setting of a constitutional pathogenic MSH2 variant

Armstrong Thomas , Loughrey Ben , Eatock Fiona , Lindsay John

We report the long-term progress of a 51-year-old female with Lynch syndrome, who presented in 2015 with Cushing’s disease secondary to a constitutional pathogenic MSH2 splice site variant. 1 Transsphenoidal surgery was followed by gamma knife radiotherapy 6 months later due to persistent hypercortisolism. Radiotherapy resulted in remission, with adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) deficiency noted 2 years postoperatively. MRI pituitary 3.5 years after...

ea0104p139 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Progressive neurosarcoidosis presenting as idiopathic hypopituitarism with atypical radiological features for 13 years

Tahir Younas Muhammad , Dale Jane , Khan Maryam

Background: Sarcoidosis is an immune-mediated multisystem condition of unknown etiology, characterized by non-caseating granulomatous inflammation. While it commonly affects lungs and the reticuloendothelial system, it can affect any organ. Central nervous system involvement is found in 5-15% of cases, with less than 1% experiencing symptoms related to hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction. Neurosarcoidosis primarily targets the leptomeninges, leading to infiltration of the hypot...

ea0104p140 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Screening for carcinoid heart disease (CaHD): an audit of practice and assessment of deprivation index in sheffield NET centre, a european neuroendocrine centre of excellence

Abdelhaleem Elsadig , Abdella Osama , Lin Kwok Wen , Harber James , EA Rowett Oliver , Munir Alia

Aim of the audit: Guidelines recommend screening for carcinoid heart disease (CaHD) in patients with carcinoid syndrome (CS) using 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA), NT-pro BNP and Echocardiogram. We audited patients with CS for these parameters and gathered information related to social deprivation.Objectives: To ensure that the CS diagnosis was confirmed biochemically, assessment of social deprivation, review of waiting times, audit of echocardiogram ...

ea0104p141 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Efnb2 controls pituitary development by regulating the pituitary stem cell niche

Gualtieri Angelica , Gomez-Corral Laura , Nicholson James , Tan Rachael , Guasti Leonardo , Gaston-Massuet Carles

Efnb2 plays an integral role during mouse development, specifically in angiogenesis and stem cell regulation. Efnb2 encodes for Ephrinb2 ligand that binds to Eph receptor. Preliminary data suggest implications of Efnb2 in pituitary tumors. The involvement of Eph:Ephrin signaling pathway in pituitary development is currently unknown. Better knowledge of Efnb2 in the pituitary will improve the understanding of endocrine disease. Therefore, a pituitary-...

ea0104p142 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Kisspeptin does not induce anxiety in humans

G. Mills Edouard , Thurston Layla , Yang Lisa , Suladze Sofiya , Hunjan Tia , Phylactou Maria , Patel Bijal , A. Clarke Sophie , J. Shah Amar , Izzi-Engbeaya Chioma , Tsoutsouki Jovanna , Young Megan , Bech Paul , Ertl Natalie , Demetriou Lysia , B. Wall Matthew , Goldmeier David , Abbara Ali , N. Comninos Alexander , S. Dhillo Waljit

Background: The neuropeptide kisspeptin is a critical endogenous activator of the reproductive system, with escalating clinical interest as a novel therapeutic agent for reproductive and psychosexual disorders. However, conflicting animal data suggest that kisspeptin can have anxiolytic, neutral, or anxiogenic effects. Given the rapid development of kisspeptin-based therapeutics, it is important to clarify kisspeptin’s effects on psychometric measures of anxiety and assoc...

ea0104p143 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Clinical complexities of adipsic arginine vasopressin deficiency

Chaudhury Nadia , Kadavileveetil Mekha , Sheikh Abdur , Franklin Danielle , Gholap Nitin , Murthy Narasimha , Rao Ranganatha

Introduction: Adipsic arginine vasopressin deficiency (AAVP-D) is rare, accounting for ~100 cases in literature. It poses multiple therapeutic challenges, with increased morbidity and mortality. We discuss an interesting case of AAVP-D, and the importance of careful management and follow-up.Presentation: 24-year-old female underwent debulking of recurrent central neurocytoma. Post-operatively, she developed new confusion with hypernatraemia (171 mmol/l) ...

ea0104p144 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Case: recurrent vaginal paraganglioma with hypertension in pregnancy

Lonergan Eibhlin , Ng Nicholas , O'Shea Donal , Crowley Rachel K.

Paraganglioma is a rare neuroendocrine tumour. There are few case reports in the literature describing vaginal paraganglioma to date. We present the case of a 37-year-old female referred to endocrinology services with symptomatic hypertension, initially noted during her first pregnancy three years prior. This was on a background of a vaginal paraganglioma diagnosed in 2006 which was excised by gynaecology services without complication. Her first pregnancy in 2021 was notable f...

ea0104p145 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Panhypopituitarism secondary to CVST with dominant posterior pituitary symptoms

Ul Amin Noor

22 yr old male pt known case of ulcerative colitis and CVST, presented with diarrhoea, abdominal pain and left lower limb swelling. DVT was confirmed on doppler. During admission he suffered from UC flare up and developed toxic megacolon with perforation. An emergency laparotomy was performed, also an IVC filter was placed due to ongoing DVT. Medication history includes sertraline, clexane, fostair, adalimumab. During ITU admission, Pt was found to have increased urine output ...

ea0104p146 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Transformation of non-functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours into insulinomas in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1: a case report

Maher Michelle , Crowley Rachel K. , Divilly Patrick , Maguire Donal , O'Shea Donal , O'Toole Dermot , Almeamar Hussein

Duodenopancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (dpNETs) affect more than 90% of patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) by age of 70. Insulinomas are the second most common functioning dpNET encountered in this setting. We present the case of a 56 year-old woman with genetically confirmed MEN1 in whom non-functioning pNETs transformed into insulinomas, seven years after being diagnosed with MEN1 syndrome and pNETs. The patient was referred to the neuroendocrine clin...

ea0104p147 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Assessing biological stress markers in the hair of individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis using a novel method of extraction

Fensome Grace , Simmonds Livia , Wood Stephen , Hardy Rowan , Khanim Farhat , Shaheen Fozia , Taylor Angela , Reniers Renate

Background: The hormone cortisol is both induced by and is a biomarker of stress. However, its long-term measurement in blood and urine is limited by feasibility of collection. Hair is a novel matrix to measure long-term steroid levels. We developed a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS) method to assess hair cortisol in individuals at ultra-high risk (UHR) for psychosis as a biomarker of stress.Method: Hair samples from 10 UHR individu...

ea0104p148 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Effect of endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery on pituitary function – preliminary report from a tertiary referral centre

Okiro Julie , Kyne Niamh , Ibrahim Ibrahim , AlBusaidy Merah , Fuller Raymond , Vaswani Aneel , Carthy Claire , O'Brien Donncha , Zilani Gulam , Javadpour Mohsen , Agha Amar

Limited data are available on the effect of transsphenoidal surgery using the endoscopic method on pituitary function. In this preliminary report we retrospectively evaluated the frequency of pituitary failure and recovery in a population of patients who underwent this procedure over a 12 months period. 42 (21 women) consecutive adult patients were included. 29 patients had non-secretory pituitary neuroendocrine tumours, the rest had secretory tumours and other non-adenomatous...

ea0104p149 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

A case report of an FSH-producing pituitary macroadenoma presenting with panhypopituitarism in a male

Comerford Saidhbh , Courtney Aoife , Phelan Niamh , Beausang Alan , Owens Lisa , Pazderska Agnieszka

Functioning gonadotroph adenomas (FGAs) are rare pituitary tumours which express and secrete biologically active gonadotrophins or their subunits. The exact prevalence is unknown. Several syndromes have been recognised in different subgroups including hypogonadism, precocious puberty, ovarian hyperstimulation, and elevated serum testosterone with testicular enlargement. Transsphenoidal surgery is the treatment of choice and definitive diagnosis is made on subsequent histopatho...

ea0104p150 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion in metastatic small cell lung cancer

Bonanos Stathis , Kelly Rhys , Bhuinyan Asima , Kelly Martin , Black Neil , Thiraviaraj Athinyaa

We describe the presentation of a 65 years old lady with upper gastrointestinal bleed to Altnagelvin Area Hospital in April 2023, eventually diagnosed with Cushing’s syndrome due to ectopic ACTH secretion from a high grade neuroendocrine tumor. Acute presentation was preceded by three months of general decline, weight loss, poor appetite and a history of smoking 20 cigarettes per day for more than 20 years. On examination, she was cachectic and delirious with cutaneous no...

ea0104p151 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

The pre- and perioperative management of pheochromocytomas and intraabdominal paragangliomas- service evaluation at the tertiary centre

Keavney Zack , Stechman Michael , Scott-Coombes David , Lansdown Andrew , Taylor Peter , Witczak Justyna

Background: Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) are rare neuroendocrine tumours managed with pre-operative alpha+/- beta blockade prior to surgery. These patients are at risk of intra-and postoperative haemodynamic instability. The aim of this project was to review the outcomes of PPGL patients operated on between 2018-2023 at Cardiff and Vale UHB.Methods: Retrospective case notes (n = 29) review for data collection on baseline demograp...

ea0104p152 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

A review of outcomes following outpatient alpha-adrenoceptor blockade preoperatively in patients with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma in a single tertiary centre

Lonergan Eibhlin , Forde Sarah , Ludgate Stephen , Goulden Eirena , Hoti Emir , Prichard Ruth , Browne Ingrid , K. Crowley Rachel

Phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PPGL) are rare neuroendocrine tumours, the majority of which secrete excess catecholamines resulting in significant hypertension and tachycardia. Pre-operative blood pressure control with alpha-adrenoceptor blockade is therefore implemented. The aim of the study was to assess the pre-, intra- and post-operative outcomes of patients undergoing outpatient alpha-blockade in our centre. A retrospective chart analysis was conducted on patients w...

ea0104p153 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Pheochromocytoma and takotsubo cardiomyopathy: a case report

Aung Nwe , Al-Qaysi Amina , Ashraf Masood

Introduction: Pheochromocytoma is a rare neuroendocrine tumour, commonly diagnosed between ages 40 and 50, typically presents with hypertension, palpitations, and episodic headache. We would like to report a patient diagnosed through an uncommon presentation -cardiomyopathy.Case report: A 49-year-old female with hypertension, T2DM and obesity, presented to the emergency department with shortness of breath. Although her CXR & ECG were normal and CTPA ...

ea0104p154 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Primary hyperparathyroidism in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1): the northern ireland (NI) experience

Ahmed Doua , Shahzad Muhammad A. , D'Arcy Robert , Graham Una M. , McHenry Claire M.

Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is commonly the first and most frequent clinical manifestation in MEN1 occurring in up to 95% of patients. Clinical course differs to that of sporadic PHPTH in terms of complications, surgical management and recurrence rates. This study aims to review the challenges of PHPT in MEN1. Retrospective analysis of patients attending a dedicated MEN1 clinic, under long-term review was carried out (n = 26). 85% had PHPT (n = 22; mal...

ea0104p155 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Fertility outcomes following transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary tumours at the university hospital of wales, cardiff

Whiting Abbie , Lansdown Andrew , Mohamed Amr , Rees Aled , Hayhurst Caroline

Background: Fertility outcomes following transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) for pituitary adenoma are unclear, meaning decision-making regarding management options and peri-operative patient counselling is challenging.Objective: To identify the implications of TSS pituitary adenoma resection on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis and evaluate longer-term fertility outcomes to identify the burden of post-operative infertility.D...

ea0104p156 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Using transcriptomics to refine the subtypes of non-functioning pituitary neuroendocrine tumours

Upritchard Michael , Benjamin Loughery Paul , Craig Stephanie G. , Cooke Stephen , Herron Brian , Miskelly Julia , Jayne McKnight Amy , James Jaqueline A.

Background: Transcription factors TPIT, SF-1 and PIT-1 correlate to differentiation of the pituitary cell lineages. In 2017 the World Health Organisation updated the classification of pituitary neuroendocrine tumours (PitNETs) to include transcription factor immunohistochemical (IHC) staining. This has been reiterated in the 2022 classification of PitNETs.Aim: To further refine the diagnostic classification of non-functioning P...

ea0104p157 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

A case of panhypopituitarism due to a rathke’s cleft cyst in a 32-year-old male with autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED)

Bowers Kevin , Louise Healy Marie , Pazderska Agnieska

Background: Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis–ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) is a rare monogenic disorder characterized by various loss-of-function mutations in the AIRE gene. Clinical manifestations in this case included chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, hypoparathyroidism, primary adrenal insufficiency, type 1 diabetes, and vitiligo. Additionally, the patient had a history of primary hypothyroidism and epilepsy.Clinical Case: Hypopituitari...

ea0104p158 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Acute haemorrhagic stroke in a young patient: unusual presentation of cushing’s disease

Schiteanu Cosmina , Mukunda Athira , James Jovito , Vijay Arun , Ferdinand Phillip , Jose Biju

Background: Haemorrhagic stroke below age 45 is often associated with hypertension and warrants additional investigations. We describe a young patient presenting with acute intracerebral haemorrhage, and how further investigations led to the underlying endocrine diagnosis.Case: A 43-year-old female patient with no past medical history presented with facial weakness, speech difficulties and systolic blood pressure above 200mmHg. Brain CT and MRI scans rev...

ea0104p159 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Hiding in plain sight: pitfalls in the evaluation of cushing’s syndrome

Martin-Grace Julie , Carthy Claire , Tomkins Maria , McDonnell Tara , Costello Richard , O'Reilly Michael , Sherlock Mark

A 58-year-old woman was referred for a short synacthen testing (SST) prior to discontinuing oral prednisolone (up to 10 mg/day), which had been administered for over several years for management of COPD. Her primary team noted features of presumed iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome, including cervicodorsal fat pad, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, osteopenia, NAFLD and anxiety, and sought to wean her off glucocorticoids to minimise further adverse effects. On exam...

ea0104p160 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

An unusual presentation of macroprolactinoma

Bharadwaj Rakshith , Sehemby Manjeet , Ahmad Tariq , Buch Harit

Background: Patients with macroprolactinoma commonly manifest with symptoms attributable to hyperprolactinemia and/or mass effect. Seizures are a rare presenting feature. We report a case of a male patient who presented with seizures and was subsequently diagnosed with cystic prolactinoma, with favourable response to dopamine agonist therapy.Case description: A 29-year-old man initially presented with generalized tonic-clonic seizures. MRI brain revealed...

ea0104p161 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Challenges of treatment of metastatic insulinoma- case series

Apsara Dilrukshi Mathara Diddhenipothage Shani , Matheou Michael , Wilson Shaun , Moore Niall , May Christine J. H. , Jafar-Mohammadi Bahram

Introduction: Marked heterogeneity has been noted in clinical phenotypes of metastatic insulinomas. We present a case series highlighting heterogenous clinical presentations, radiological features, and treatment modalities.Case-1: 55 Male, chronic diarrhoea, weight loss of 18months, with severe hyper-insulinemic hypoglycaemia (HH) of few weeks. 37 mm pancreatic body tumour with multifocal liver metastases; one with marked peri-lesional steatosis (PS). Gr...

ea0104p162 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Defining food intake and body fat accumulation in an MC4R zebrafish model

Jhosadara Espinosa Flores Aranza , Jackson David , Chan Li , Brennan Caroline

Introduction: Obesity is a global epidemic that involves environmental and genetic factors. In humans, loss-of-function mutations in the melanocortin-4-receptor (MC4R) is the most common cause of monogenic obesity. MC4R is one of the five melanocortin receptors known to regulate appetite and nutrients metabolism. Different animal models exist to study the role of MC4R in appetite and metabolism. Here we study a zebrafish model of MC4R loss of function (sa122 mutant line) to de...

ea0104p163 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

A case of atypical presentation of macroprolactinoma in young female

Ahmad Tariq , Bharadwaj Rakshith , Buch Harit

Background: Prolactinoma is the most common of all the pituitary tumours (40-60%) requiring medical attention. Most Premenopausal women with prolactinoma usually present with menstrual irregularities, galactorrhoea, and infertility (85-90%) rather than symptoms due to the tumor’s size. In contrast, men typically seek help for symptoms related to the tumor’s mass effect, such as visual impairment (80%), along with less specific symptoms of hypogonadism.<p class="a...

ea0104p164 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Multidisciplinary management of aggressive corticotroph pitnets. a case series

Radian Serban , Alexandru Niculescu Dan , Galoiu Simona , Stoleru Liviu , Preda-Ivascu Monalisa , Nuta Andreea , Iancu Cristina , Ciubotaru Vasile , Gobej Ionut , Cristescu Alexandru , Poiana Catalina

Background: Aggressive PitNETs require multidisciplinary management. Cushing’s disease (CD) poses specific challenges regarding biochemical control and management of complications.Aim: To describe management of a series of aggressive corticotroph PitNETs.Patients: Six patients (2F/4M, 46-75 yo), managed through the pituitary MDT.Results: At diagnosis all patients had overt CD due to macroPitNets (2-3.8 c...

ea0104p165 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

A case series of insulin-mediated hypoglycaemia in older adults

Madden Doyle Lauren , Bowers Kevin , O'Toole Dermot , Healy Marie-Louise

Introduction: Unexplained falls are a common rationale for emergency presentations amongst older adults. Admissions are associated with significant morbidity. We present a case series of two older adults presenting following collapse, with resultant diagnosis of insulin-mediated hypoglycaemia.Case 1: 79 year-old woman presenting following a presyncopal event. In the weeks preceding admission, described lethargy and weight loss, with associated palpitatio...

ea0104p166 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Physiological growth of the pituitary gland or hypophysitis - difficult differential diagnosis of pituitary enlargement in adolescence. report of two cases

Costache Outas Mariana

The increasing availability of MR imaging has led to a rise in the number of referrals of children with pituitary abnormalities to endocrinologists. We are presenting the cases of two female teenagers who underwent pituitary MRI in the context of an intensive headache without associating symptoms suggestive of pituitary insufficiency.Case 1: 12.5 yo girl admitted in neurology clinic due to an episode of lipotimia associated with intense headache; the MRI...

ea0104p167 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

DNA methylation via nanopore sequencing: will it be the future biomarker of the neuroendocrine tumour?

Ahsan Masato , Gohil Shailesh , AlJumaah Ali , Reddy Narendra , Shaw Jacqui , Levy Miles

Background: DNA methylation analysis has been proven useful biomarker in patients with colon (1-3), breast (4), and lung cancer (5). However, the clinical utility of this method in neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) is limited. Our research group has previously worked on the role of circulating cell-free tumour DNA (ctDNA) in neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) and thyroid cancers. Preliminary findings showed that this is a potentially useful clinical tool (6). We are expanding our res...