Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Previous issue | Volume 104 | SFEIES24

Joint Irish-UK Endocrine Meeting 2024

Belfast, Northern Ireland
14 Oct 2024 - 15 Oct 2024

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Oral Poster Presentations

Oral Posters 4 - Endocrinology 2

ea0104op13 | Oral Posters 4 - Endocrinology 2 | SFEIES24

A tiered, evidence-based approach to exome sequencing analysis in early-onset primary ovarian insufficiency

McGlacken-Byrne Sinead , P Suntharalingham Jenifer , Ishida Miho , Buonocore Federica , Del Valle Ignacio , Cameron-Pimblett Antoinette , Genomics UCL , Dattani Mehul T. , Achermann John , Conway Gerard S.

Background: Sequencing of Primary Ovarian Insufficiency cohorts have identified variants in >100 “POI genes” in up to 50% of women but establishing pathogenicity is challenging. Early-onset POI (EO-POI; adolescents) may have a distinct genetic profile.Methods: We performed exome sequencing (Nonacus) in an EO-POI cohort. Filtering (QCI) retained variants which were 1) rare/novel (MAF<0.01%), 2) predicted pathogenic in silico, 3)...

ea0104op14 | Oral Posters 4 - Endocrinology 2 | SFEIES24

Bone fragility and beyond: prevalence and impact of clinical signs, symptoms, and events in children with osteogenesis imperfecta

Semler Oliver , Lande Wekre Lena , Raggio Cathleen , Westerheim Ingunn , Hart Tracy , van Welzenis Taco , Mulhall Heather , Dewavrin Laetitia , Prince Samantha , Rauch Frank

Objectives: The IMPACT Survey explored self- and proxy-reported experiences of the clinical, humanistic, and economic impact of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), a rare hereditary connective tissue disorder associated with low bone mass, bone fragility and variable secondary features. While the risk of fractures in children with OI has been well documented in previous studies, this analysis explores the prevalence and impact of OI-related clinical signs, symptoms and events (SSEs)...

ea0104op15 | Oral Posters 4 - Endocrinology 2 | SFEIES24

A UK single-centre experience of the use of osilodrostat in pituitary MRI negative cushing’s disease

Htut Zin , Papadopoulou Debbie , Prabhudev Hemanth , Meeran Karim , Martin Niamh , Wernig Florian

Introduction: In up to 50 percent of Cushing’s disease patients, corticotroph adenomas are not clearly identified on MRI and long-term medical treatment to lower cortisol may be needed. Osilodrostat, which inhibits 11 beta hydroxylase, is effective in normalising urinary free cortisol (UFC). We are the UK’s first centre to use osilodrostat for Cushing’s disease in MRI negative patients.Method: Five patients (one male) with Cushing’s d...

ea0104op16 | Oral Posters 4 - Endocrinology 2 | SFEIES24

Investigating metastatic potential in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC)

McCarthy Mark , Tuthill Antoinette , Feeley Linda

Background: PTMCs are papillary thyroid carcinoma nodules measuring ≤1cm. While the American Thyroid Association (ATA) do not recommend biopsy or follow-up for PTMC nodules, classifying it as a benign condition, some individuals develop cervical lymph node metastases (LNM), challenging its benign classification. Methods: We identified 52 cases of PTMC among 2,000 thyroid patients from 156 MDT meetings at Cork University Hospital (CUH) between Janua...