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Endocrine Abstracts (2024) 103 OC9.1 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.103.OC9.1

BSPED2024 Oral Communications Diabetes Oral Communications 2 (9 abstracts)

Award-winning virtual schools training package creates capacity to enable 78% of children to access hybrid closed loop therapy

Kirsty Mobberley , Louise Collins , Donna Sands , Lesley Drummond & John Pemberton

Birmingham Children’s and Women’s Foundation Trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Introduction: The Birmingham Children’s Hospital (BCH) Diabetes Team developed an award-winning Virtual Schools Training Package (VSTP) in response to COVID-19. By 2021, the VSTP facilitated a significant increase in school staff training while drastically reducing training required from healthcare professionals (HCPs). Subsequently, the time saved enabled us to expand support for children and young people (CYP) with type 1 diabetes, notably enhancing their access to continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) through in-person training. Building on this success, a Quality Improvement Initiative was launched in November 2022, aiming to expedite the adoption of Hybrid Closed Loop (HCL) Systems via a virtual hybrid model.

Objective: Evaluate the impact of time savings from the VSTP on the accessibility of CSII and HCL Systems.

Methodology: A retrospective analysis was conducted using BCH School Competency databases, diabetes team records, National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA) results, and CSII/HCL databases at BCH from 2019 to 2024. The analysis focused on VSTP efficacy and efficient use of saved time.

Results: Compared to 2019/20, the VSTP maintained a ~30% increase in competent school staff from 2021-2024. Notably, HCPs saved 160 hours annually post-VSTP setup. Time saved modestly increased in-person CSII onboarding capacity in 2020/21 and 2021/22. Developing the virtual hybrid model in 2022/2023 increased onboarding capacity three-fold in 2023/24. Cumulatively, 78% were using HCL by 2024.

Year (April-March)Total number of school staff competentHours spent by HCPs on school training Hours saved by the VSTPAllocation of saved hours to CSII/HCL onboardingTime allocated to developing the HCL programmeAnnual number of CYP onboarded CSII/HCL (new/renewal)Percentage of cohort using CSII/HCL treatments
19/2030020000032 (16/16)35% (106/299)
20/213751604040039 (18/21)40% (116/290)
21/2241040160160059 (36/23)51% (148/289)
22/23390401604012038 (12/26)54% (157/291)
23/24406401601600122 (77/45)78% (228/293)

Conclusion: The VSTP saves significant time and increases the number of competent school staff. Leveraging time savings for hybrid virtual training models yields transformative benefits, significantly enhancing access to HCL therapy.

Volume 103

51st Annual Meeting of the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

Glasgow, UK
08 Oct 2024 - 10 Oct 2024

British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes 

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