Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
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51st Annual Meeting of the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

Glasgow, UK
08 Oct 2024 - 10 Oct 2024

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The 51st Annual BSPED Meeting will take place at the Hilton Hotel, Glasgow from Tuesday 8 – Thursday 10 October 2024.

ea0103p130 | Thyroid | BSPED2024

Profile and management of thyroid disease in children and young people (CYP) attending type 1 diabetes clinics in southern health and social care trust (SHSCT)

Campbell Geraldine , Nwaogu Nwaoma , Donnan Kate , Shah Shilpa , Millar Sarinda

Introduction: Acquired primary hypothyroidism is the most common autoimmune endocrine disorder associated withT1D. It is associated with presence of antibodies called Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and requires lifelong supplementation with Levothyroxine. NICE guidelines (NG145)1 recommends regular surveillance of thyroid levels for primary hypothyroidism every 4-6 months until puberty and then annually.Aims: To audit our practice of managing CYP with primary ...

ea0103p131 | Thyroid | BSPED2024

Role of thyroid scintigraphy in the etiologic workup of congenital hypothyroidism

Bhat Nitin , Towati Mabrouka MA. A. , Greening James , Subbarayan Anbezhil , Shenoy Savitha

Background: Thyroid imaging is recommended in the workup of children suspected with Congenital Hypothyroidism (CHT). Many centres in UK currently do not undertake scintigraphy routinely in CHT workup due to pitfalls such as unavailability, questionable benefit over ultrasound, result may not influence decision to treat or not, time constraints to complete scan within 5 days of starting treatment, etc.Aim: Retrospective analysis of scintigraphy data in di...

ea0103p132 | Thyroid | BSPED2024

Challenges & uncertainties with intra-uterine thyroxine treatment for a significant foetal goitre – a case report

Ashoor Ghalia , Kanumakala Shankar , Darling Rosemary , Cassidy Niki , Gregory Karen

An enlarged neck mass (20x18mm), anterior to spine was incidentally discovered in foetal 20-week anomaly scan, with neck fixed in hyperextended position throughout the scan. Mother (G2P1) was asymptomatic without thyroid under or overactivity; maternal baseline thyroid function and thyroid antibodies were negative. At 21-weeks, the small stomach bubble confirmed oesophagus was compressed and swallowing compromised, with high(ish) amniotic TSH (8.5). MDT opinion was foetal bloo...

ea0103p133 | Thyroid | BSPED2024

A rare case of chronic diarrhoea: medullary carcinoma of the thyroid

Brett Connor , Katana Antonia , Raj Meena

We present an 8-year-old black African girl with no significant past medical history. The patient presented with a 7-month history of profuse watery diarrhoea after moving to the UK from Nigeria. There was no history of bloody stools, abdominal pain or vomiting. The diarrhoea had worsened to approximately 10 watery episodes a day. She was noted to have progressive neck swellings with 4 kg weight loss over this time, prompting emergency department attendance. There was no histo...

ea0103p134 | Thyroid | BSPED2024

Renal impairment: to refer or not to refer to endocrinologist?

Beka Elpiniki , Peters Catherine , Dastamani Antonia

Background: Hypothyroidism, a common condition, manifests with diverse clinical symptoms and is generally manageable but can be life-threatening if untreated in severe cases. It has been recognized as an uncommon cause of renal impairment and rhabdomyolysis; conditions reversible with levothyroxine replacement therapy. Here, we present the case of a teenager incidentally diagnosed with severe primary hypothyroidism due to autoimmune thyroiditis, accompanied by acute kidney inj...