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Endocrine Abstracts (2024) 103 P102 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.103.P102

BSPED2024 Poster Presentations Diabetes 6 (8 abstracts)

Pizza party socials for young people with diabetes and their families to promote peer support and education

Victoria Dublon 1 , Olga Didarally 2 , Steve Green 3 , Zilan Hama 1 , Melanie Burcham 1 , Jade Ambridge 1 & Safa Chowdrey 1

1Royal Free NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom; 2Royal Free NHS trust, London, United Kingdom; 3Royal Free Hospital School, London, United Kingdom

Introduction: We wanted to re-start local socials for young people with type 1 diabetes and families. In this way forming a network and peer support, accessing diabetes education in an informal environment.

Method: Themed sessions, innovative party games and puzzles for the first session, things like buzz wire, toddler shape sorter blindfolded, how many pins can you get in a potato one handed-using scissors, spot the difference etc. The second session 3 months later we did clay crafts, making a family tree mobile out of clay cut outs. This in particular encouraged ‘tree of life’ discussions and who supports them to be the person they are. The diabetes MDT were present and on hand for questions, with resources to hand, like Digibete, pump info, carbohydrate counting info etc. Food wise, we decided to make it all gluten free, making it much easier for those that have coeliac disease. Funding came from money through Jack Petchy awards.

Results: 1st time - 6 families attended

2nd time - 14 families attended


100% of families would recommend the sessions ’It was perfect’ ’We are so grateful to such a wonderful team, not only providing amazing medical care and advice, but go above and beyond providing opportunities for the children to have fun and feel normal’ ’I can’t thank the diabetes team enough for these sessions’ ’Great afternoon, the kids enjoyed clay making’ ’She was excited to see the friends she made last time and is already talking about the next one’

Conclusion: These sessions do seem to help ’normalise’ diabetes. They are a fantastic way to build networks for families and a great informal way of learning more about their diabetes. Having free food seemed an incentive for families to come to these as we did put them on at tea time. Food also gave rise to discussion around insulin doses. The team enjoyed these and it helped new MDT members get to know their colleagues. Having feedback really boosts team moral and focus’s team direction for the future. We have excellent photos of the evenings and a short film we made.

Volume 103

51st Annual Meeting of the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

Glasgow, UK
08 Oct 2024 - 10 Oct 2024

British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes 

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