Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
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51st Annual Meeting of the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

Glasgow, UK
08 Oct 2024 - 10 Oct 2024

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The 51st Annual BSPED Meeting will take place at the Hilton Hotel, Glasgow from Tuesday 8 – Thursday 10 October 2024.

ea0103p30 | Diabetes 3 | BSPED2024

Understanding staff views on current variation in provision of diabetes technology for children and young people with diabetes: a qualitative service evaluation

Cuprinskaite Juste , Candler Toby , Semple Claire

Background: Poverty and deprivation are associated with poorer diabetes health outcomes and lower uptake of diabetes technology in paediatric populations. This qualitative service evaluation explores staff perspectives on current variation in provision of diabetes technology prescribed to children and young people from high deprivation areas. Challenges and ideas for reducing variation are discussed.Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with...

ea0103p31 | Diabetes 3 | BSPED2024

’Hybrid closed loop pathway’– a quality improvement project utilising existing resources whilst meeting the demands of a merged service

Swindell Rachel

Background: The Paediatric Diabetes pump service at UHDB saw a wait list time of three months expand to 18 months following Covid, staffing issues and the merging of services. A lack of equity in access to diabetes technology between the two sites was also an issue Additional funding was not available, so existing resources needed to be utilised effectively whilst also providing adequate training for all members of the MDT. Initial group starts highlighted difficulties in asse...

ea0103p32 | Diabetes 3 | BSPED2024

‘Organisational change’– a quality improvement project to utilise existing budget to provide a nursing service and equitable care across 2 sites

Swindell Rachel , Smith Julie , Bridge Jo

Background: The merging of hospital trusts resulted in 2 Paediatric Diabetes services within one Trust, but within separate networks. Care was not equitable between the 2, with inequitable staffing, difficulty in recruitment and low use of diabetes technology. An organisational change process in December 2022, highlighted the need for one merged diabetes service, with the Paediatric Diabetes Nursing and Administration Service working cross-site. The combined patient caseload w...

ea0103p33 | Diabetes 3 | BSPED2024

The digibete patient support app; implementation and evaluation outcomes of the scottish pilot

Bayman Elizabeth , Brogan Michelle , Conway Nicholas , Alexander Helen , Grosser Sabine , Julian Maddie

Introduction: DigiBete is a patient support app with educational and peer support video vignettes, translated into several languages and accessible to those with low literacy. It can be personalised by diabetes teams for patient communication. The app is widely used in England and Wales. In 2021, the Scottish Government funded DigiBete app licenses for all T1D families in Scotland for a 12-month pilot.Methods: A primary health board led the pilot, establ...

ea0103p34 | Diabetes 3 | BSPED2024

Onboarding and beyond - the quantitative and qualitative benefits of skill mix in a diabetes team

Gomm Janet , Bashir Imran

Following approval of NHS England Equitable Funding we recruited one WTE Family Support Worker and 0.2 WTE Specialist Dietitian, from April 2023 to March 2024. These resources were utilised to support advanced diabetes technology use in Rotherham’s most deprived population and support best outcomes. Additionally our focus was to maintain the improvements in glucose management, beyond onboarding. The workforce standards for children and young people’s diabetes service...

ea0103p35 | Diabetes 3 | BSPED2024

Looping forward in diabetes

Costello Natalie , Dixon Jenny , Stewart Caroline

Introduction: The availability of Hybrid Closed Loop (HCL) automation in diabetes is a fast emerging technology. This technology is not freely available in our centre but a small number of our patients are self-funding it. We analysed data from the current cohort of our patients using HCL (up to 31st December 2023), to assess improvements in glycaemic control and quality of life for the patients and their families.Objectives: To assess quantitative impro...

ea0103p36 | Diabetes 3 | BSPED2024

Use of a hybrid closed loop system in a child with end stage renal disease, GAD positive diabetes and recurrent pancreatitis – a game changer!

Subramanian Sharan , Birchmore Nicola , Cheng Lauren , Peters Catherine

Achieving optimal glycaemic management in children with diabetes and end stage renal disease (ESRD) on dialysis is challenging. Specific factors include dietary and fluid restrictions and variable insulin requirements owing to idiosyncratic glucose disposal during dialysis. We present a case where a hybrid closed loop system was trialled to enable tighter glycaemic management and improve quality of life. An 8-year-old female with microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfi...

ea0103p37 | Diabetes 3 | BSPED2024

‘Sick day ketones in childhood diabetes’ an audit reviewing and comparing inpatient management of children presenting unwell to oxford university hospital 2022-2023, with ISPAD guidelines

Singanayagam Krishni , Daskas Nikolaos

ISPAD’s revised ‘sick day guidelines 2022’ highlighted the necessity to review Oxford University Hospital Guidelines. Prevention and correct management of ketosis is essential when children with Diabetes are unwell and involves confident management of advanced and increasingly common Diabetes Technologies. Inpatient admissions were reviewed over 1 year. Medical records were studied to assess monitoring of blood glucose levels and ketones. In the presence of keto...