Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Previous issue | Volume 100 | SFEEU2024

Society for Endocrinology Endocrine Update 2024

Society for Endocrinology Clinical Update 2024

Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland

ea00100wc1.1 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

Metastatic papillary thyroid cancer

Butt Mohammad

32 male presented with painless neck swelling for 3 weeks and finding was consistent with MNG. Us neck showed right lobe is enlarged and contains a 11 mm × 12 mm × 15 mm irregular, echo poor nodule with calcification. BTA classification is U5. (Malignant) and followed with Right thyroid nodule FNA was consistent with Oncocytic variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma Thy5. Initially TFTS showed TSh: 1.00 miu/l Free T4: 17.9 pmol/l. Patient underwent total thyroidectomy...

ea00100wc1.2 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

Primary hodgkin lymphoma of the thyroid: a case report

Camilo Blanco Pimiento Edgar , Paula Ciliberti Artavia Maria , Andres Dulcey Sarmiento Luis , Alberto Gomez Ayala Jaime , Sebastian Theran Leon Juan , Camila Amaya Munoz Maria , Paola Lizcano Manrique Angie , Fernanda Castillo Goyeneche Silvia , Juliana Estevez Gomez Maria , Andrey Acevedo Pena Diego , Felipe Arias Ariza Anderson , Camila Gomez Maria , Alejandro Gomez Juan

Introduction: The thyroid lymphoma (TL) is a rare disease, accounting for less than 2% of thyroid neoplasms. The majority of cases are of the non-Hodgkin (NHL) B-cell lineage and large cell type.Objective: To present a rare case documented in the literature of Primary Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) of the thyroid, in a 20-year-old male patient.Methods: The clinical history and records of the case, biopsy reports, immunohis...

ea00100wc1.3 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

Genetic testing in medullary thyroid cancer - the key to unlocking a diagnosis of MEN2

Chan Maung Aye , May Christine

Introduction: This case report described a patient who presented with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) requiring a total thyroidectomy and radial neck dissection. Genetic testing performed in the context of MTC revealed RET proto-oncogene mutation. Baseline screening identified bilateral pheochromocytomas requiring treatment with bilateral adrenalectomy. Case report: 60-year-old male patient presented with a neck lump which had been present for few year...

ea00100wc2.1 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

Radiofrequency ablation of toxic thyroid nodule

Muhammad Sadiqi Rana , Lansdown Andrew

Background: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an outpatient image-guided thermal ablation procedure that is an alternative to surgery for treating thyroid nodules. It is minimally invasive, cosmetically superior and associated with less risk of hypothyroidism.Case: We discuss a case of 53 years old female who presented with palpitations, feeling hot, sweating, tremors, weight loss, and pins and needles. On examination, thyroid was palpable and there were ...

ea00100wc2.2 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

Diffuse large B-Cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma masquerading as multinodular goitre - a case report

Sheikh Anum , Calvo Latorre Julia , Agarwal Pallavi , Ali Tauni Rahat

Thyroid nodules are very common findings in clinical practice. Only a fraction of these thyroid nodules are malignant and reliably differentiating those remains a challenge. We present a case of a man who presented with an enlarging neck mass causing compressive symptoms. This was diagnosed as a multinodular goitre (MNG). However, histopathological analysis revealed it to be diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (DLBCL). A 50-year-old male was referred to our endocrinology...

ea00100wc3.1 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

Recurring papillary thyroid carcinoma in a young lady

Sciberras Giusti Ebony , Gatt Arlene , Mifsud Simon , Vella Sandro

A 13-year-old girl was noted to have a right-sided thyroid swelling on being reviewed by her paediatric endocrinologist. Neck examination confirmed a nodular mass in the right thyroid lobe, rubbery in nature, non-tender, mobile on swallowing but not on extrusion of the tongue. There was no thyroid bruit. She was clinically euthyroid with no dysthyroid eye disease or peripheral stigmata of thyroid dysfunction. Thyroid Ultrasound reported a grossly enlarged right thyroid lobe du...

ea00100wc3.2 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

Differentiated thyroid cancer: long-term follow-up and management options for persistent/recurrent disease

Muhammad Zubair Ullah Hafiz , Abraham Prakash

Background: The management of differentiated thyroid cancer involves multiple modalities such as surgery, radioactive iodine ablation therapy (RAIA), external beam radiotherapy (EBRT), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) suppression, and chemotherapy in cases of persistent or recurrent disease. Long-term follow-up incorporates Dynamic Risk Stratification (DRS) using thyroglobulin (Tg) and neck ultrasound. This case focuses on a 65-year-old patient with Follicular Thyroid Carcino...

ea00100wc4.1 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

Follicular thyroid cancer

Wiafe Eunice , Ward Emma

Introduction: Follicular thyroid cancer (FTC) is a tumour of the thyroid epithelium with follicular differentiation and invasion into capsule or vessels. Constitutes 10% of all thyroid cancers, may be minimally or widely invasive. metastases in 20% of cases by haematogenous spread, rarely to lymph nodes. Twice as common in females as males, mean age 50years. Treated with thyroidectomy, radioactive iodine ablation and TSH suppression with levothyroxine.Ca...

ea00100wc4.2 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

Hyperfunctioning thyroid nodule

Abdullah Sandhu Farooq

We present a case of 40 years old lady who was referred to us with a thyroid nodule in her right lobe. She was well, but on specific questioning reported weight loss of about 3 kgs over the past month and some mild heat intolerance. The nodule was 2 cm in size and the patient was clinically euthyroid. Thyroid function tests demonstrated a suppressed serum TSH with a mildly elevated serum T3. A thyroid ultrasound scan was performed which demonstrated that the palpable nodule wa...

ea00100wc5.1 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

A case of metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma

Dawood Huzaifa

45 year old female referred to the endocrine clinic by GP for further management of her ongoing thyroid issue. Patient had recently moved from China. In China during her general health check, doctors over there found that she had 2 small thyroid nodules in her left lobe of thyroid and they recommended hemi-thyroidectomy for that. No significant family history of any thyroid disorders. Post hemi-thyroidectomy she went back for another surgery for lymphatic leakage post hemi-thy...

ea00100wc5.2 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2024

High grade follicular thyroid cancer (non-anaplastic)

Euan Sit Lee

70-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of a left-sided neck lump. Generally well with no swallowing issues, no weight loss, and no systemic upset. Previous history of breast cancer 10 years ago requiring bilateral reduction mammoplasty and radiotherapy. Ex-smoker. There is a strong family history of hypothyroidism. On examination, well and euthyroid. Palpation revealed obvious left-sided anterior neck mass. Nodule was smooth, firm, and minimally tender on palpation...