SFEBES2023 Developments in UK Endocrince Service Delivery Section (3 abstracts)
Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter,
United Kingdom
The need for Peer Review of UK endocrine units was agreed by the Clinical Committee of the Society for Endocrinology in 2001. The service is relevant to the agendas of clinical governance in endocrinology, and ensuring good quality universal care across the UK for patients. Peer Review presents an opportunity to improve patient care, support and facilitate service provision and innovation. Since Covid-19 (2020) there has been significant changes to the way we work and peer review has changed to reflect this. In addition to a reformed in depth peer review across one service, there is now the opportunity to do a networked review across several centres. This will encompass more explicitly secondary and tertiary care centres, and also focus on networking and multidisciplinary services. It is a qualitative assessment that will help find solutions and uses the information from GIRFT but has more focus internally on the endocrine service. It will give all centres an opportunity to discuss common themes and find mutually helpful solutions via networking centres to share strengths and areas to improve. The first networked review of 3 centres has just happened and this is an opportunity to hear all about it and how it can help your centre to feel reinvigorated and energised to make realistic changes.