EYES2023 ESE Young Endocrinologists and Scientists (EYES) 2023 Oral communication 5: Reproductive Endocrinology (9 abstracts)
University of Münster, University Hospital Münster, Department of General Pediatrics, Münster, Germany.
Background: The control of the HypothalamicPituitaryGonadal (HPG) axis is a highly complex process, with the hypothalamic arcuate-median eminence complex (Arc-ME) as the master regulating region. The transient activation of the HPG axis is essential for the development and function of the reproductive system. This projects focus is the transient phase of HPG axis activation within the first weeks and months postpartum (minipuberty). The mechanisms guiding the HPG axis control in mammals are only partially understood, with kisspeptin, neurokinin B, dynorphin, and MKRN3 as crucial factors. Studies in humans are greatly limited due to the scarcity of biological material. The value of rodent animal models is limited as the existence and functional relevance of minipuberty in rodents is unclear.
Objectives: To create a temporally resolved transcriptomic atlas of the Arc-Me brain region in marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus). We aim to elucidate the control mechanism of the HPG axis using Callithrix jacchus as an animal model due to its close similarity to humans with regard to the HPG axis control in early postnatal life.
Methods: We will perform the single nucleus Multiome ATAC + Expression sequencing using the marmoset Arc-Me brain region. We chose three developmental groups based on liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS) measurement of the serum androgen metabolome: 01 day, 3 weeks, and 12 weeks old, corresponding to the stages prior, during, and post-minipuberty, respectively.
PerspectivesWe are currently in the process of generating transcriptomic data. We hope our marmoset brain transcriptomic atlas will unveil the processes controlling the HPG axis during minipuberty and lead to the discovery of new target genes and mechanisms for further downstream analysis. Considering the hypothetical similarities between the regulation of minipuberty and puberty, we believe our study will bring insights into the puberty process itself.