ECE2023 Eposter Presentations Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition (355 abstracts)
The Endocrinology Department, Taher Sfar University Hospital of Mahdia, Mahdia, Tunisia
Introduction: Hypoglycemia is a major obstacle to glycemic control in type 1 diabetics. Approximately two episodes of symptomatic hypoglycemia occur weekly in type 1 diabetic and this risk increases with the duration of diabetes and the strict control1. The aim of this study was to identify the most frequent etiologies of hypoglycemia in hospitalized type 1 diabetic patients.
Patients and Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study that involved 28 type 1 diabetic patients hospitalized for hypoglycemia in the endocrinology department of the Taher Sfar University Hospital of Mahdia between 2011 and 2022.
Results: The average age of our patients was of 34.44±13.88 years. The patients were divided into 6 men and 22 women. The average duration of diabetes was of 11.7 ±7.45 years. The mean glycated hemoglobin in our patients was of 9.46% ±2.68. The average frequency of hypoglycemia was 3 episodes per week. Severe hypoglycemia was present in ten cases. Several interrelated factors were often incriminated in the same patient. Hypoglycemia was attributed to poor education in 13 patients: 6 cases of insulin dose error, 6 cases of dietary error, 6 cases of injection in lipodystrophic areas. Two cases of hypoglycemia were attributed to severe renal failure. Hypoglycemia secondary to Addisons disease was diagnosed in 15 patients. A context of a malabsorption syndrome due to celiac disease has been demonstrated in three patients. Fake hypoglycemia was the cause of hypoglycemia in one patient.
Discussion and Conclusion: Hypoglycemia is a dread for any caregiver because of its neurocognitive impact on the quality of life and carbohydrate balance of type 1 diabetics. Rigorous etiological research is needed, requiring sometimes hospitalization and treatment reevaluation. In the literature, the occurrence of Addisons disease in type 1 diabetics is rare with a prevalence of 1.2%2. The explanation of the higher prevalence of Addisons disease in our population need to be explored.
References: 1. Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes | Diabetes | American Diabetes Association.2. Addisons disease in type 1 diabetes presenting with recurrent hypoglycemia | Postgraduate Medical Journal3. M. Alsahli and J. E. Gerich, Hypoglycemia in Patients with Diabetes and Renal Disease.