ECE2023 Rapid Communications Rapid Communications 1: Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition 1 (6 abstracts)
1Istanbul University , Internal Medicine, Div. Emdocrinology and Metabolism, Istanbul, Turkey; 2Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa; 3Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey; 4Mef University, Istanbul, Turkey; 5Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey; 6Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
Background and objectives: Diabetes is estimated to affect more than half a billion people worldwide, of which approximately 9.5 million live in Turkey. Currently, glucoSemeasurements are made with invasive techniques (eg finger puncture or interstitial glucose sensors) that can negatively affect monitoring. In addition, since glucose results cannot be seen by physicians/nurses in real time, treatment decisions are delayed and diabetes control becomes difficult. As a group of researchers from the fields of medicine, engineering and informatics, we aimed to develop a non-invasive saliva glucose sensor and an integrated diabetes management systemMaterials and methodsWe developed disposable nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) biosensors, electronic equipments (potentiostat) and a software for integrated monitoring of diabetes.
Results: First, the triple electrode structure was coated with ZnO nanorods and glucose oxidase. After the biosensor properties were characterized, the produced sensor structure was packaged and made ready for clinical use. Sensor calibration and performance tests were performed in saliva with multiple tests. Using artificial saliva, It was shown that substances such as vitamin C, paracetamol, etc. in the environment did not cause interference in glucoSemeasurement. A lag time of approximately 10 minutes was found between the salivary glucose and capillary blood glucoSemeasurements (ie, the zero-minute salivary glucose level was found to be highly correlated with the capillary blood glucose level 10 minutes ago; r=0.986, P<0.001).
Conclusion: Within the scope of this project, we have developed a prototype system includes low-cost, disposable biosensors and a software to facilitate integrated diabetes management. Easy-to-implement and low cost such systems will increase patient comfort in diabetes management, improve quality of life and facilitate follow-up.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring System, Salivary Glucose, BiosensorSponsor:This project is supported by TUBITAK-1003 Program (Project no. 118S157).