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Endocrine Abstracts (2023) 90 P47 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.90.P47

Hospital San Telmo, Palencia, Spain

Introduction: The diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism can be challenging especially when surgery is mandatory and imaging techniques can not find the adenoma. PEt colina is a non-invasive diagnostic test that creates images of the parathyroid glands and detects abnormal activity. It is increasingly used and especially useful when there are no pathological findings in parathyroid scintigraphy.

Methods: This is a retrospective observational study with data from 10 patients with diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism and no pathological findings in scintigraphy

Results: All the patients had been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism and had normal parathyroid scintigraphy. The medium PTH level was 174 pg/ ml (48,7) and the medium calcium level was 11,08 mg/ dl (0,87). A parathyroid scintigraphy was performed to all of them without pathological findings. Afterwards they went under a PET colina. The results showed an hyperfunctioning adenoma in 8 of them. After a parathyroidectomy all of them were cured. In 2 patients there were no findings.

Conclusion: Although scintigraphy remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of parathyroid adenomas there are a significant number of patients which show no results. Under these circumstances PET colina has proved to be an useful test.

Bibliography: 1. Cetani F, Marcocci C, Torregrossa L, Pardi E (2019) Atypical parathyroid adenomas: challenging lesions in the differential diagnosis of endocrine tumors. Endocr-Relat Cancer 26(7):R441–R464 2. Piccardo A, Bottoni G, Boccalatte LA et al. (2021) Head-to-head comparison among 18F-choline PET/CT, 4D contrast-enhanced CT, and 18F-choline PET/4D contrast-enhanced CT in the detection of hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Endocrine 74(2):404–412

Volume 90

25th European Congress of Endocrinology

Istanbul, Turkey
13 May 2023 - 16 May 2023

European Society of Endocrinology 

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