ECE2023 Eposter Presentations Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition (355 abstracts)
Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Endocrinology of Public Health Ministry named by acad. Ya.Kh. Turakulov, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Aim: To study the frequency of Charcot foot in the Republic Uzbeistan during 2012-2021 years.
Material and Methods: Reports of regional endocrinological dispensaries of 13 regions of the country and the Republic of Karakalpakstan for the studied period were used. In total, in 2012, 2648 patients with a foot Charcot were registered. All patients during the observation period were subjected to general clinical, biochemical (control of glycemia, HbA1C, et al), instrumental (ECG, X -ray of the foot, examination of the oculist other) research method.
Results: During the period 2012-2021, the frequency of Charcot foot in country increased by 4.3 times. So, if in 2012 2648 patients with a foot of Charcot consisted in the country, then in 2021 their number reached 11560. Among the leading regions was the Ferghana region: in 2012, 1430 patients were registered there, and in 2021 already 2145. It should be noted that in 2012 year, 116,517 patients with DM 2 were registered in the Republic Uzbekistan, and in 2021 year-291 567 patients. Such an increase in the number of patients with a foot of Charcot foot can be explained both by an increase in the splash of DM 2 and an improvement in the detection of its complications.
Conlusion: During the period 2012-2021, the frequency of Charcot foot in the Republic of Uzbeistan increased by 4.3 times. Such an increase in the number of patients with a foot of Charcot foot can be explained both by an increase in the splash of DM 2 and an improvement in the detection of its complications