ECE2021 Audio Eposter Presentations Late Breaking (114 abstracts)
1National Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology, Endocrinology, Tunis, Tunisia; 2National Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology. Tunis Manar University, Endocrinology, Tunis, Tunisia
Congenital GH deficiency is more common in boys than in girls. Several differences have been noted between the 2 genders. We proposed to study these differences for epidemiological, auxological and anthropometric characteristics.
This is a retrospective study including 75 patients followed for congenital GH deficiency in the endocrinology department at the National Institute of Nutrition in Tunis.
In our population, 46 patients (63%) were male. The average age of discovery was 112 ± 54 months or 9 ± 4.5 years for males and 93 ± 45 months or 7 ± 3 years for females (P = 0.137). The delay of diagnosis was on average 32 ± 32 months for males and 12 ± 19 months for females but without significant difference (P = 0.243). The mean target height of our patients was 165.45 ± 9.89 cm, 170.6±5.07 cm for boys and 156.09±9.78 cm for girls (P <0.0001). The mean weight at diagnosis was 19.72 kg ± 8.38 with a mean height of 114.56 ± 20.09 cm. The most frequent initial height in girls (41%) was less than - 4 DS versus (30%) in boys for a height between 2 and 3 DS. Initial height in DS was on average 2.33 ±1.2 DS for girls and 2.58 ±0.5 DS for boys with a significant difference (P = 0.043). The mean weight at diagnosis was 19.72 ± 8.38 kg. Underweight less than 2SD was noted in 20% of cases. There was no significant difference between the two sexes for BMI in SD (P = 0.168).
This difference between the 2 genders has also been found in the literature. This is interesting to know especially for a better knowledge of the characteristics of these children which leads to a better management.