ECE2021 Audio Eposter Presentations Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition (223 abstracts)
Farhat Hached University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Sousse, Tunisia
Direct antiviral agents (DAAs) are a real revolution in the treatment of chronic hepatitis c (CHC). It is a short-term treatment with few side effects. Insulin resistance in patients with metabolic syndrome, causes the onset of steatosis, contributes to the progression to cirrhosis and decreases the chances of a response to treatment. The aim of our study was to evaluate the response to DAAs in patients with metablic syndrome.
This is a retrospective study including all patients with hepatitis C treated with DAAs, between January 2018 and December 2020.
Fifty paients were included in our study, divided into 31 women and 19 men, with an average age of 52 years (between 16 and 82 years). Twenty three patients (46%) had a metabolic syndrome. Thirteen patients had arterial hypertension and 7 patients were diabetic. HCC was discovered during screening in 40% of cases. The other circumstances of discovery were: blood donation (15%), asthenia (15%), arthralgia (15%), cytolysis (10%) and thrombocytopenia (5%). Genotype 1b was predominant (76%). The mean pretreatment viral load was 1.457.542 IU/ml. Abdominal ultrasound revealed hepatic steatosis in 8 cases. Twelve patients had F0-F1 Fibrosis measured by Fibroscan. The viral load at the end of anti-viral treatment and the viral load 6 months after the end of treatment were undetectable.
In our study, metabolic syndrome was present in 46% of patients. Sustained virological response was obtained in all patients. Thus the metabolic syndrome did not influence the response to DAAs.