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Endocrine Abstracts (2020) 70 OC8.2 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.70.OC8.2

1Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga. IBIMA. CIBERDEM, Endocrinology and Nutrition, Málaga, Spain; 2Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) , División de Contaminación Atmosférica, Madrid, Spain; 3Hospital Universitario S. Carlos, CIBERDEM, Endocrinology and Nutrition, Madrid, Spain; 4Hospital Universitario Cruces, BioCruces, UPV/EHU, CIBERDEM, Barakaldo, Spain; 5Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias / University of Oviedo / ISPA, Endocrinology and Nutrition, Oviedo, Spain; 6EAP Raval Sud, Institut Català de la Salut, Red GEDAPS, Primary Care, Unitat de Suport a la Recerca (IDIAP – Fundació Jordi Gol), CIBERDEM, Barcelona, Spain; 7Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL),University of Barcelona, CIBERDEM, Endocrinology and Nutrition, Barcelona, Spain

Introduction: The metabolic risk associated with air pollution could vary according to the specific pollution levels of each area, as well as factors related to lifestyle (diet, activity physical, socioeconomic status, tobacco), other exposures, comorbidities etc.. and has been insufficiently evaluated in our country.

Objective: To study the association between long term exposure to air pollution (measured as PM concentrations) and the incidence of hypertension in a disease free sample representative of the adult population of Spain ([email protected]).

Methods: The study population was composed of 1103 individuals, participants in the nation-wide population based cohort study [email protected], free of hypertension at baseline (2008–2010) who completed the follow up exam of the cohort (2016–2017) with complete clinical information and blood pressure measurements available for analyses. Mean follow up time was 7.4 ± 0.6 years.

Exposure Assessment: Cohort participants were assigned air pollution exposures for particulate matter <10 µm (PM10) and <2.5 µm (PM25) during follow-up (2008–2016) obtained through modeling combined with measurements at air quality stations (CIEMAT).

Diagnose of Hypertension: Hypertension was considered if there was a previous clinical diagnose of hypertension and/or systolic blood pressure was ≥140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure was ≥ 90 mmHg.

Results: In the table we present crude and multivariate adjusted Odd Ratios for developing Hypertension during follow up according to PM10 and PM2.5 cuartiles.

PM 10 (µg/l)
12.21–16.9516.96–20.0020.01–22.7922.80–30.18P for trend
Number at risk278280279266
Number developing HT63617484
OR crude (95% CI)1 (reference)0.95 (0.64–1.42)1.23 (0.84–1.81)1.58 (1.08–2.31)0.008
OR multivariate (95% CI)1 (reference)1.08 (0.70–1.67)1.36 (0.88–2.12)1.86 (1.19–2.91)0.005
PM 2.5 (µg/l)
Number at risk280275279269
Number developing HT68606886
OR crude (95% CI)1 (reference)0.87 (0.59–1.29)1.00 (0.68–1.48)1.47 (1.01–2.13)0.032
OR multivariate (95% CI)1 (reference)0.96 (0.63–1.49)1.00 (0.64–1.56)1.67 (1.07–2.59)0.029

Multivariate ORs were calculated by logistic regression adjusted for age, gender, ethnicity, education level, MedScore, SF-IPAQ BMI and municipality population.

Conclusions: Our study shows an association between PM concentrations and the incidence of Hypertension in Spain even with pollution levels below the air quality levels currently established. These data reinforce the need for measures to improve air quality in our country.

Volume 70

22nd European Congress of Endocrinology

05 Sep 2020 - 09 Sep 2020

European Society of Endocrinology 

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