ECE2019 Poster Presentations Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology 2 (70 abstracts)
Republican Specializied Scientific Practical Medical Center of Endocrinology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Early diagnostics it is IPA treats difficult questions of a modern neuroendocrinology as even highly informative computer tomographs and the magnetic resonant imaging (MRI) dont give the correct answer to 3055% of cases, and at microadenomas to 90% of cases.
The purpose: Studying of structure it is IPA at MRI-research at patients with the verified diagnosis.
Material and methods: Research included 325 patients with is IPA (145 women and 180 men at the age of 18 till 70 years (44.5±3.85 years). Middle age of 1570 (43.6±3.84) years. Disease duration from the moment of establishment of the diagnosis on the basis of the anamnesis and MRI-researches from 1 year to 15 years.
Results and discussion: The studied patients had adenomas with intrasellar 74, parasellar 41, infrasellar 23, infraparasellar 26, suprasellar 14, supraparasellar 25, suprainfrasellar 13, suprainfraparasellar 12, suprainfrapararetrosellar distribution 97. At MRI research structure it is IPA had mainly soft tissue (n=269) and a cystic (n=56) structure. In 55 cases structure it is IPA was it is presented by a hemorrhagic component, and at 12 from them there were both cystic and hemorrhagic components. In 271 cases the structure of a tumor was rather uniform, in 54 non-uniform. MRI of the image of 54 patients with is IPA had a hypointensive signal on T1-and an isointensive signal on the T2-weighed images, 204 cases were hypointensive and on T1-and on the T2-weighed images, 28 tumors were hypointensive on the T1-weighed images and hyperintensive on the T2-weighed images, 11 cases were izointensivna on the T1-weighed images and hypointensive on the T2-weighed images, and 9 cases izointensive on the T1-weighed images and hyperintensive on the T2-weighed images.
Conclusions: Thus, at MRI research the majority it is IPA had intrasellar (29.8%) and suprainfrapararetrosellar (19.7%) distribution, in 82.8% of cases solid structure, in 7.7% contained cystic inclusions, in 9.5% a hemorrhagic component contained. The MR-signal from the IPA tissue is predominantly hypointensive, as on the T2-weighed images (66.2%), and T1-weighed images (88.0%). Difference on MR-images depending on the sizes and from extent of distribution it is IPA are not revealed.