ECE2018 ePoster Presentations Thyroid (37 abstracts)
1Center of Endocrinology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 2Tashkent Paediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
The aim: To study the complications of diseases of thyroid gland at children and teenagers according to data for 5 years.
Material and methods of investigation: Under supervision of the employees of the department of children’s endocrinology the Center of Endocrinology of PH of RUz during from 2012 on 2016 years was hospitalized 213 children and teenagers with various diseases of thyroid gland, from them of the boys was - 67 (31,4%), girls -146 (68,5%). 20 sound children and the teenagers of the appropriate age made the group of the control.
Results: The most of patients were in teenager age, namely from 11 to 17 years - 147 patients (69,1%), were at the same time mostly sick girl - 100 from 147 (68,0%). At our patients the manifest hypothyroidism was marked, that is authentic increase in TSH against the background of authentic lowering of the free thyroxin of blood on a comparison with group of monitoring was watched. According to our data, children and teenagers had the following frequency of complications of the main diseases: delay of skeletal development – 17,8%, delay of physical, sexual, mental, speech development – 25,8%, delay of physical, mental development – 20,4%, delay of physical, sexual development – 15,6%, delay of physical development – 14,5%.
Conclusions: The researches conducted by us allowed to estimate gravity of the goiter endemiya and expressiveness of manifestations of violation of sexual and physical development. The results received by us confirm need of further long observation and treatment of patients.