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20th European Congress of Endocrinology

Barcelona, Spain
19 May 2018 - 22 May 2018

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ECE 2018, 19 - 22 May 2018; Barcelona, Spain


Cortisol: Too much of a Good Thing

ea0056s26.1 | Cortisol: Too much of a Good Thing | ECE2018

Genetics of Cushing’s disease

Ramirez Laura C. Hernandez

Corticotropinomas represent only a small fraction of all the cases of pituitary adenomas, yet they have the potential for great morbidity and mortality. Presenting clinically as Cushing’s disease (CD), corticotropinomas are characterized at the molecular level by resistance to glucocorticoid negative feedback, dysregulation of proteins controlling cell cycle progression, and overexpression of pathways that sustain overactive ACTH production and secretion. Until recently, ...

ea0056s26.2 | Cortisol: Too much of a Good Thing | ECE2018

Hypercortisolism and the brain

van der Wee Nic

Background: Alongside various physical symptoms, patients with high levels of cortisol, such as typically found in Cushing’s disease, often display a wide variety of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as depression, psychosis, mania and cognitive impairments. This indicates involvement of the central nervous system in hypercortisolism.Methods: Various neuroimaging approaches can be used to examine the effects of hypercortisolism on the brain. The freque...

ea0056s26.3 | Cortisol: Too much of a Good Thing | ECE2018

Differentiating Cushing from Pseudo-Cushing

Alexandraki Krystallenia

Background: Pseudo-Cushing’s syndrome (PCS) constitutes a group of physiological or non-physiological medical conditions that mimic Cushing’s syndrome (CS) clinical features along with a mild biochemical hypercortisolaemia which remains under a physiological feedback hormonal control. Physiological conditions such as pregnancy, surgical or emotional stress, severe illness, intense chronic exercise, and non-physiological as chronic alcoholism, obesity, metabolic syndr...