BSPED2017 Poster Presentations Diabetes (35 abstracts)
The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS foundation Trust, London, UK.
Introduction: The current estimate of prevalence of type I diabetes in children under 15 years in England and Wales is 187.7 per 100,000, with an estimated 31,500 children with diabetes under 19 years. It is a condition that is becoming increasingly common with 28.2 per 100,000 new diagnoses each year. Increasingly, management of these children is led by children and young people diabetes(CYPD) multi-disciplinary teams(MDT). As a result, despite better outcomes in diabetes care, it is proposed that paediatric doctors feel increasingly less confident in the management of paediatric diabetes. Even though trainees have time earmarked for attending clinic they rarely complete their diabetes curriculum and risk becoming under skilled to adequately manage such scenarios. This project aimed to coach paediatric doctors through a diabetes masterclass, with the view to enhance knowledge and confidence in management of paediatric diabetes care as well as to fulfil the RCPCH Diabetes curriculum.
Method: Paediatric doctors at our trust did a questionnaire covering: new diagnosis, discussions to families, diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycaemia, carbohydrate counting, insulins; prescribing with dose adjustment and ongoing management in outpatients. This was followed by a two hour diabetes masterclass delivered by the CYPD MDT and then a post session questionnaire. Paediatric consultants also participated.
Results: 19 doctors took the pre masterclass questionnaire which was standard set and had a total score of 48. The mean score was 29.2 (61%) with breakdown as follows; Level 1 trainees 29.6 (61.7%), Level 2-3 trainees 33.6 (70%) and GP/foundation trainees 26.5 (55%). After the masterclass 13 doctors took the same questionnaire again. The mean score had improved significantly to 37.6/48 (78.3%), an increase of 17.3% with higher means at every trainee level.
Conclusion: The results demonstrated the masterclass to be an extremely successful and valuable educational session. In addition, all paediatric doctors reported they felt more equipped with improved knowledge and confidence in dealing with the practical aspects of paediatric diabetes. In view of these positive outcomes, the CYPD MDT aim to deliver the masterclass biannually to ensure competence in diabetes prevails amongst all paediatric doctors.