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Endocrine Abstracts (2017) 49 EP945 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.49.EP945

ECE2017 Eposter Presentations: Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology Pituitary - Clinical (145 abstracts)

Pituitary insufficiency – etiopathogeny and diagnostic aspects

Corina Crista 1 & Georgiana Hotaran 2

1Clinic of Endocrinology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘Victor Babes’, Timisoara, Romania; 2University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘Victor Babes’, Timisoara, Romania.

The study group was represented by 155 cases of pituitary insufficiency (age: 37.21±16.05; F/M=116/39) hospitalized in the Clinic of Endocrinology Timişoara during the period 2006–2014. The cases were classified into ethiopatogenic groups, as follows: iatrogenic pituitary insufficiency (23.87%), tumor compression (21.29%), ischemia (14.84%), idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (3.87%), congenital pituitary insufficiency (6.45%), empty sella (6.45%), functional pituitary insufficiency (23.23%). In majority, the studied cases presented hypogonadism (95.48%), while hypothyroidism was found in 65.16% patients and 50.32% of the cases presented adrenal insufficiency. Neurological signs caused by the tumoral mass were found in 42.58% cases. The ischemic and congenital forms of the pituitary insufficiency associated mostly panhypopituitarism (100%, respectively 50%), while the iatrogenic form and those caused by tumor compression presented in high percentages partial pituitary insufficiency. The comparison of the hormonal parameters (ethiopatogenic groups) revealed: significant inferior serum levels of testosterone in the congenital form and empty sella vs tumor compression (P < 0.05); significant inferior levels of the serum estradiol (P < 0.01) in congenital panhypopituitarism vs functional secondary hypogonadism; significant inferior levels of the serum TSH (P < 0.05) in patients with pituitary insufficiency caused ischemia vs tumor compression; significant inferior levels of FT4 (P < 0.05) in empty sella and ischemic form vs iatrogenic pituitary insufficiency. The applied therapy targeted the cause of the hypopituitarism and the hormonal substitution.

Volume 49

19th European Congress of Endocrinology

Lisbon, Portugal
20 May 2017 - 23 May 2017

European Society of Endocrinology 

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