ECE2017 Eposter Presentations: Environment, Society and Governance Thyroid (non-cancer) (1 abstracts)
1Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus; 2International Sakharov Environmental Institute, Minsk, Belarus; 3Liakhovichy Central Regional Hospital, Brest Region, Belarus; 4Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Minsk, Belarus; 5Republican Research and Practical Center Hygiene, Minsk, Belarus.
The efficiency of the Belarusian model for iodine deficiency elimination based on obligatory use of iodized salt in the industrial food production and bread baking has been often challenged in other countries. In support the facts are presented evidencing of insufficient iodine intake in groups of increased risk of iodine deficiency in children and pregnant women from the rural areas of Belarus. The goal of the recent study is to compare the dynamics of iodine supplementation for the period of 20152016 in groups of increased risk in Brest region. The iodine status of the body was determined by the iodine urine concentration. The study included 30 pregnant women examined in 2015 and 40 pregnant women examined in 2016 aged 2332 years, and 51 children examined in in 2015 and 44 children examined in 2016 aged 814 years. Statistical processing was performed by nonparametric statistics.In 2015 in the rural area ioduria median was 165.7 μg/l in children and 107.5 μg/l in pregnant women. Iodized salt was used by 86.2% of schoolchildren and only 66.7% of pregnant women. In 2016 ioduria median in children of the same region increased to 233.0 μg/l, and in pregnant women to 152.4 μg/l. Iodized salt in 2016 was used by 89.4% of schoolchildren and 78.8% of pregnant women. Thus, the Belarusian model of iodine deficiency elimination having been used since 2001 has demonstrated its long term efficiency even in the risk groups of iodine deficiency development.