ECE2017 Eposter Presentations: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Obesity (81 abstracts)
Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
Abstract: There are few studies of the cellular immunity in men with obesity and hypogonadism. The aim was to study the parameters of cellular components of the immune system in patients with obesity and hypogonadism.
Materials and methods: The study included 120 men aged 4065 years with obesity (mean BMI 35±5.6 kg/m2). Patients were divided into two groups depending on the level of total testosterone (T). The first group included 56 patients with T level>12.1 ng/ml (mean T 16.3±3.8 ng/ml), the second group 64 patients with T level≤12.1 ng/ml (mean T 8.3±1.9 ng/ml). The control group consisted of 25 healthy men with BMI up to 25 kg/m2. Levels of CD3+,CD4+,CD8+, CD16+,CD25+ lymphocytes were analysed. Statistical data were analysed using MannWhitney U-test.
Results: Level of CD4+T helper cells was significantly lower in the 1st group as compared to the control group (41[38; 45]% vs 46[44; 47]%, P<0.005). Level of cytotoxic lymphocytes CD16+ was higher in the 1st group as compared to the control (12.0[9.0; 15.0] vs 9.0[9.0; 10.0]%, (P<0.005). Significant changes in other parameters were not found. Changes in T-cell immune system, namely in reduction of CD4+ lymphocytes (32[28; 39] vs 41[38; 45]%, (P<0.001) and increasing of CD8+ lymphocytes (28[26;30] vs 24[20; 29]%, (P<0,05), were detected in patients with obesity and hypogonadism as compared with the 1st group. There were a significant activation of CD16+ lymphocytes (19.0[16.0; 23.0] vs 12.0[9.0; 15.0]%) and reduction of the CD25+ cells number (1.4[1.0; 1.7] vs 1.9[1.8; 2.11]%), which reflects the early T-lymphocyte activation, in patients of the 2nd group (P<0.0001).
Conclusion: The excessive accumulation of adipose tissue leads to dysfunction of the helper-cell immunity. Hypogonadism with obesity aggravates the imbalance of cell immunity, which could contribute to the formation of additional metabolic and immunological disturbances.