Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Previous issue | Volume 44 | SFEBES2016 | Next issue

Society for Endocrinology BES 2016

Brighton, UK
07 Nov 2016 - 09 Nov 2016

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07 Nov 2016 to 09 Nov 2016 Brighton, UK Further information


Why endocrinologists should pay attention to gut feelings (Supported by Endocrine Connections)

ea0044s6.2 | Why endocrinologists should pay attention to gut feelings (Supported by Endocrine Connections) | SFEBES2016

Where the gut meets the brain

Bohorquez Diego

Body surfaces, like the skin or the gut lumen, are protected from the outer world by a layer of epithelial cells. Almost all epithelial sensory cells communicate stimuli from the outer world to neurons via direct neurotransmission, but in the gut, the epithelial sensory cells, the enteroendocrine cell, is thought to communicate indirectly via the release of hormones.However, enteroendocrine cells have striking features of epithelial cell transducers: the...