SFEBES2016 ePoster Presentations (1) (116 abstracts)
The precocious puberty defines itself by the appearance of secondary sexual characters before the age of 9 years at the boy.
We bring back the case of a precocious pseudo puberty iso sexual having evolved towards a central precocious puberty revealed by in an advance of secondary bony age in a delay of diagnosis.
Observation: It is about a child masculine sex of 6-year-old and 11 month without personal.Introduction
The precocious puberty defines itself by the appearance of secondary sexual characters before the age of 9 years at the boy.
We bring back the case of a precocious pseudo puberty iso sexual having evolved towards a central precocious puberty revealed by in an advance of secondary bony age in a delay of diagnosis.
ATCD, accepted for reappraisal of a precocious pseudo puberty linked to a bilateral testicular increase of measuring volume between 68 ml a stadium of Tanner G2P3, associate in d other signs of hyper androgénie such as of the acne, a husky voice, a wingspan android, a staturale advance (3DS) and weight with BMI in 24 kg/m2 as well as bony age of 13 years and 1/2 is. This in spite of a treatment freinateur by Déxaméthasone 0.25 mg/j, Acetate of cyprotérone 25 mg/j, hydrocortisone 10 mg/j.
On biological plan: ACTH: 44 pg/ml 17 (oh) p: 0.55 ng/ml.
FSH: 2.34 LH: 1.94 mui/ml Testo: 1.72 nmol/l (0.11.12).
Scrotal ultrasound scan confirmed the increase of volume of the 2 testicles in 30 mm (6 ml) while eliminating the presence of surrénaliennes testicular inclusions.
Conclusion: The precocious pseudo puberty by block in 21 hydroxylase virilisante pure secondary form in a mutation I172N which represents 33% of classical forms, can autonomiser especially in case of diagnostic delay and as a result, an advance of bony age by leading a central ripening of Gonadostat can trigger off a central puberty.
This motivated a treatment of our patient by Décapeptyl 1ampoule/month.