Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2016) 41 EP384 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.41.EP384

1German Clinic, Temuco, Araucanía, Chile; 2Hernán Henriquez Aravena Hospital, Temuco, Araucanía, Chile.

Case 1: 78-years-old female with progressive increase volume in cervical area with dysphagia, drowsiness, slowness, dispnea, and change in of voice. Hypothyroidism and a TPO >1000 UI/ml. Thyroid ultrasound: heterogeneous mass in the left lobe, vascularized with ipsilateral multiple lymph nodes of 0.8×0.6 cm. PAAF: Bethesda 1. Four weeks later course with major obstruction of the upper airway. In ER a near-total thyroidectomy is performed. Postoperatory without complications. Biopsy compatible with RT.

Case 2: 58-years-old male. 15 weeks of dysphonia. Euthyroid. Studies identified left paralysis of the vocal cords. CT: node with an intrathoracic extension of the thyroid’s left lobe. The cervical ultrasound revealed a suspicious thyroid nodule of 5×7 cm. A bilateral thyroidectomy was performed. Biopsy compatible with RT. Dysphonia continued after the late post operatory.

Case 3: 85 years old female with hypothyroidism. Logic dysphagia for 15 days, dyspnea and increment in cervical volume. 2 PAAF obtaining Bethesda 3. The CT presented a 7 cm mass with and infiltration to the adjacent tissues in the thyroid’s left lobe and left cervical adenopathies. She was admitted to perform a study and a corticotherapy. The mass diminished its size softening the obstructive symptoms. Biopsy showed RT treated with corticoids

Case 4: 58-year-old female. Multinodular bocio. During surgery it was identified a strong mass very attached to adjacent tissues. Suspecting RT, the total thyroidectomy was finished. Biopsy confirmed RT. Postoperatory had no complications.

Case 5: Female 72 years old with increase nodular volume in thyroid and airway compromised. Byopse thyroiditis sclerosing and anaplastic carcinoma. Patient died for acute respiratory insuficience without therapy. Case 6: Male 77 years old with giant bocio with 30 years of evolution. Total Thyroidectomy: Riedel’s thyroiditis and papilar carcinoma. Complementary therapy with radiotherapy and radioactive yodo in course.

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