Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2016) 41 EP400 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.41.EP400

ECE2016 Eposter Presentations Developmental endocrinology (5 abstracts)

Acute exercise training and circulating irisin in adult mens

Tugba Arkan 1, , Mehmet Çalan 2, , Aksel Çelik 3 , Dilek Cimrin 3 & Firat Bayraktar 3

1Endocrinology Department, Kocaeli Derince Education and Research Hospital, Kocaeli, Turkey; 2Endocrinology Department, Izmir Bozyaka Education and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey; 3Dokuz Eylul University Medical Faculty, Izmir, Turkey.

Context: Irisin is secreted by skeletal muscles into circulation and proposed to regulate energy homeostasis and hold therapeutic potential in diabetes and obesity.

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of acute exercise training (6 week) on circulating plasma irisin in adult mens.

Design and setting: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital.

Participants: A total of 33 healthy, untrained male (mean age 19) participated in the study.

Main outcome measures: Plasma irisin, insulin, high sensitive CRP (hsCRP), fasting blood glucose and lipids were measured before and after 6 week exercise training. Body composition was calculated by Tanita body composition analyser.

Results: There was no significant correlation between lipids, insulin levels, fasting blood glucose with irisin levels. (r=0.06 P=0.973, r=0.184 P=0.305, r=−0.009 P=0.959). All the participants had unsignificant weight gain (before exercise BMI=23.39±2.81, after exercise BMI=23.70±2.72, P=0.111). Irisin levels positively correlated with hsCRP (r=0.352, P=0.044). Irisin level change with acute exercise training was not significant. (P=0.458).

Conclusion: Acute exercise training can change the irisin level in untrained males but it was unsignificant in this study. Maybe longer period of exercise can change the levels of irisin stronger. We find that after the training program, all participiants irisin levels decreased. Untrained person response times to the exercise can be slower than trained persons.

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