ECE2015 Eposter Presentations Reproduction, endocrine disruptors and signalling (92 abstracts)
1Pope John Paul II Regional Hospital, Zamosc, Poland; 2Zamosc University of Management and Administration, Zamosc, Poland.
Introduction: Emergencies in endocrinology often require a doctors high-speed operation, which is closely related to the ability to fast obtain a diagnosis. To remain a champion requires exercise. Therefore, we decided to check how often the doctors in the Emergency Department (ED) meet such patients.
The aim of our study was to investigate the frequency of endocrine emergencies in Department of Emergency in Tertiary Care Hospital with Department of Endocrinology.
Results: In 6 years from 16th Jul 200615th Jul 2012 to our ED was sent or came 200 954 patients (100 727 women). From this patients 40% was sent for treatment to other departments of the hospital and 60% were treated only in the ED. Among these 120 506 patients, endocrine emergency as the main diagnosis was established in 1100 (0.9%) patients. Among patients with endocrine emergencies, the vast majority were diabetes (793=0.66%) and thyroid diseases (128=0.11%). For the remaining 179 (0.15%) patients, ED doctors established 28 different diagnoses, including seven diagnoses identified in only one patient. This means that the ED doctors treated this patient approximately every 12 days as one of the 55 patients with other diseases. Among patients referred for treatment to other departments of the hospital with indications of endocrine emergencies only diabetes occurred relatively frequently.
Comments: We cannot exclude that part of the endocrine diseases was undiagnosed or not given as the main diagnosis. The majority of our endocrine patients are admitted elective mainly from the specialised outpatient clinics or family physicians.
Conclusion: Endocrine emergencies except diabetes and thyroid diseases are rare or very rare diseases and their diagnosis is a challenge for ED physicians. Very important, therefore, seems to be good cooperation between ED and Endocrinology Department.