ECE2014 Poster Presentations Diabetes (epidemiology, pathophysiology) (63 abstracts)
Hospital Zumarraga, Zumarraga, Spain.
Introduction: Population with DM are at substantially increased risk for stroke. Someone whos had diabetes less than 5 years has a 70 percent increased risk of ischemic stroke, for 510 years has an 80 percent increased risk compared to someone without diabetes. Duration longer than 10 years was linked to more than a threefold increase in the risk.
Methods and patients: We study all patients admitted at internal medicine department with diagnosis of stroke and T2 DM, during the last 3 years. We analyse, age, gender, comorbidities, laboratory test, radiology, treatment and outcome.
Results: Of 338 patients admitted for stroke 97 (28.69%) had DM, 51 men and 46 women of 78.17±9.5 years-old. Duration of DM 10.6±4.9 years (range 240). The 47% had a length of 10 years or more. Comorbidities, hypertension 82%, dislipemia 47%, atrial fibrillation 26%, previous strokes 23%, IHD 19%, chronic renal disease 19%, obesity 18%, peripheral arteriophaty 16%, cognitive impairment 14%, smoker 13%, retinopathy 12%. Laboratory test: HbA1c 7±1.2%(5.310), cholesterol 163.3±43.42 mg/dl, HDL 46±16.5 mg/dl LDL 124±67 mg/dl, TG 124±67 mg/dl. Radiology; CT/MRI disclose, ischemic lesion in 90% (hemispheric, lacunar infarction and TIA), haemorrhage in 10% and in 82% disclose chronic vascular lesions. Carotid US showed ateromatosis in 64%.treatment. Metformin 48%, insulin 28%, sulphonilureas 21%, other (DPP4, glinides, glitazones,) 17%, only diet 5%. Monotherapy 67%, dual therapy 28%, triple therapy 5%. Treatment for cardiovascular risk factors: IECAS/ARAB 41%, statins 39%, antiplatelet 26%. Outcome. Discharge with sequels 29%, a new stroke appeared in 7 patients during follow-up. In-hospital mortality 8%.
Conclusions: Duration of DM up of 10 years in 47%. Hypertension was main cardiovascular risk factor adequate control of cardiovascular risk factors and glycated haemoglobin. Low mortality but high disability. Metformin was more used drug, monotherapy was main therapeutic regimen.