Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2014) 34 N2.4 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.34.N2.4

University College Hospital, London, UK.

Research activities such as patient recruitment and data collection for audits and clinical trials led by physicians are common routine practice for a lot of endocrine specialist nurses, however a small percentage of them undertake independent research. Nurses are in a great position of getting research ideas of the ground that can translate back into practice and make a real difference to patient care.

The aim of this presentation is to give practical advice on how to navigate through the process of developing a research question right through to the completion of the study. The following questions will be discussed:

• How to explore research ideas and develop the right research question;

• How to use the PICO(T) strategy to refine your question and select the correct research methodology?

• Qualitative vs quantitative approach, or mixed methods approach?

• Do you need ethics approval?

• How to secure funding for your research study?

• What happens next?

It is important to remember that independent research requires time, a lot of which is actually spent in developing the research question and study design, and ability to work towards deadlines. Although independent, one cannot work in isolation when undertaking a research study and it is vital to discuss your ideas and suggested action points with expert colleagues during every step of the way.

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