SFEBES2014 Education Workshops Teaching and learning in Endocrinology (4 abstracts)
UCL, London, UK.
Medical Education as an area of scholarship has been gathering a head of steam over the past 10 years. Academic colleagues have been increasingly interested in developing the evidence base with which to support innovations in medical education.
One of the areas which lends itself well to research is examinations and assessments of students and trainees.
This presentation will provide some background theory about current best practise in assessments, and will provide some of the research evidence that underpins these theories.
In medicine and endocrinology, assessments begin in the undergraduate years, and develop through medical school finals.
The UK training programme for physicians and endocrinologists is based on a mixture of formative and summative assessments. These will be outlined, with descriptions, and also data from the undergraduate course at UCL, and the MRCP (UK) examination.
The presentation will cover the latest issues which are influencing the way we assess our students and trainee doctors.