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Endocrine Abstracts (2013) 32 P65 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.32.P65

ECE2013 Poster Presentations Adrenal Medulla (5 abstracts)

Stud phenotypic study of paraganglioma extra surrenlien: about height cases

Nora Soumeya Fedala 1 , Ali El Mehdi Haddam 2 , Farida Chentli 1 , Djamila Meskine 2 & Rahim Bey 1

1Endocrinology Bab El Oued Hospital, Algiers, Algeria; 2Endocrinology Bologhine Hospital, Algiers, Algeria.

Paraganglioma is a tumor developed in expenses of the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system. It is a rare pathology (prevalency 1 for 30 000). These are situated on the basis of skull, at the level of neck, in the thorax and the belly. Some paraganglioma are functional and secrete cathecolamines and others are diagnosed after surgery in the histological study of the operating piece. Through a retrospective study concerning height patients having paraganglioma extra surrenalien brought together in 20 years. We have specified theirs phenotypes.

Results: Reason of consultation: HTA (60%), abdominal pain (40%).

Mean age: 46.5 years (17–82), sex ratio: 1,6.

Clinical: HTA 12.5%. HTA, adrenergic signs (37.5%) signs tumors: 25%.

Hormonal balance: non functional: 37.5%; functional: 62.5%.

Imaging localization: Cervical: 1; Mediastinal: 1; Retroperitoneum: 5; Multiples: 1.

Size tumor: large (≥4 cm): 62.5%.

Surgery: Recurrence: 25%.

Neoplasia 1 case

Genetics 1 case

The paraganglioma is a tumor with various phenotypes. Theses are voluminous or smalls, uniques or multiple, secretant or no and have a risk of recurrence and degenerescence. This fact, it may be requiring a long term surveillance. Because of the family character of this pathology (1/3 cases) a genetic study is proposed at every patient in particulary if he young, has multiple localizations or presents a cunning shape.

Motif de consultation: hta severe (60%) douleurs abdominales (40%)

Age moyen: 46.5ans (17–82) sex e 3F 5 H sex ratio F/H: 1.6

Clinique: hta (12.5%)

htaet signes adrenergique (37.5%)

signes tumoraux: (25%)

bilan hormonal non fonctionnel 37.5%

Bilan fonctionnel 62.5%

IMAGERIE: localisation cervicale: 1 cas (12.5%)

Localisation médiastinale: 1 cas (12.5%)

Rétropéritoine: 5 (62.5%)

Localisation multiples 1 (12.5%) et de petites tailles

Taille tumorale volumineuse (≥4 cm): 62.5%

Chirurgie: Récidive: 25%

Néoplasie: UN cas

Génétique: UN seul cas

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