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Endocrine Abstracts (2013) 32 P63 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.32.P63

Endocrinology Bab El Oues Hospital, Algiers, Algeria.

Lymphoma adrenal is a rare cause of adrenal tumor (0.5%). Bilateral primary lymphoma adrenal phenotype T is exceptional. We report two observations. MO 56 years old was hospitalized FOR exploration and therapeutic management of two large adrenal masses discovered on CT imaging after back pain, and weight loss. Physical examination revealed a patient asthenic, with no signs of hypersecretion. The rest of the examination was unremarkable and research call signs primary neoplasm was negative. A hormonal balance showed a low cortisol with a height ACTH level. This which required start hormone replacement therapy to hydrocortisone. The MRI objectivied large masses without signs of infiltration and locoregional lymph nodes without root. The patient was operated. However, given the highly invasive mass that extended, biopsy is performed.

GA 31 years old has an adrenal mass revealed on the occasion of pain abdominals. She had a personal history of non Hodgkinphenotype B lymphoma treated during childhood. The clinical examination was without abnormalities. The MRI showed a heterogenous mass of 46 mm and multiple nodes. The patient receives chemotherapy. A reduction of tumor volume and disappearance of lymph nodes were observed. Additional surgery is performed. The histological study was in favor of NHL A predominance of diffuse large B cells is observed. The type T is exceptional. The clinical signs are not specific. Frequently, adrenal insufficiency is observed indicating almost complete invasion of the adrenal gland. It is often asymptomatic which justifies its systematic research.

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