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Endocrine Abstracts (2013) 32 P1077 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.32.P1077

Department of Endocrinology and Nuclear Medicine, Algiers, Algeria.

Introduction: Acromegaly is a chronic disease caused by hypersecretion of GH and IGF1, it is associated with a high risk of cancer, however the excess incidence of thyroid cancer remains controversial, we report four cases.

Patients and methods: The diagnosis of acromegaly has been placed on a dosage of GH and IGFI, the diagnostic of carcinoma is based on histological study of the surgical specimen.

Results: The sex ♀ predominant (3/4). For three patients (no. 1, no. 2, no. 4) thyroid carcinoma was the mode of revelation of acromegaly. Thyroid hormone function was normal in three quarters of cases. It was a GMN or a united nodular. The FNA made in 50% of cases was contributive in 100%. Papillary form (3/4).

Patient SexAgeGoiter TSHFT4TCT CytopunctionHistological typeGH/IGF1
No. 134NTGNLENLENulleSuspectsPapillary>50 ng/l per NF
No. 239GMNNLENLENLEvesicular0.42 mui/ml
219 ng/l
No. 351GMNBASSENLENLESuspectsPapillary microcarcinoma41. 3 mui/ml
1168 ng/l
No. 440NTNLENLENLEPapillary 9.5 mui/ml
217 ng/l

Conclusion: Despite the controversial results regarding the increased risk of thyroid cancer during the acromegaly, the exploring of thyroid is unavoidable and surgery must always be indicated when cytopuncture suspicious or malignant.

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