Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2013) 32 P1054 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.32.P1054

ECE2013 Poster Presentations Thyroid (non-cancer) (100 abstracts)

Learning and development of thyroid FNA in a endocrine clinic

Jaime Lorenzo , Boente Ruth , Antón Yosu & Manuel Sas

Hospital Povisa, Vigo, Spain.

Background: Development of thyroid ultrasound and FNA is more frecuent to make it in a endocrine clinic, that means to make more diagnosis medical process and so to avoid more outpatients visits. But it’s neccesary a specific treaning. We tried to evaluated our treaning.

Material and methods: After specific treating in radiologic department, we have compared our results in two consecutive periods. The first one in the first year after treaning developing FNAs and the second period in the next 1½ year with FNAs. (in the second period we used Bethesda system).

Results: In the first phase we made 102 FNAs with 25 (24.5%) non diagnotic and 77 (75.5%) diagnostic, results are exhibited. In the second fhase, 220 FNAs were made and: 27 (12.27%) non diagnsotic and 193 (87.73%) diagnostic. Specific FNAs results are exhibited too. (Bethesda system: bening: 166, atipic: 14, suspicious neo folicular and Hurthle: 16, suspicius of malignant: 6, medular: 1).

Conclusions: FNAs thecnique development after period learning is possible in a endocrine clinic with satisfactory results, similar to others published series. Its useful to patient because less visits to hospital, more efficient in your clinic activity and cheaper medical process. Bethesda system make easier comunication between clinics and pathologics.

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