Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2013) 31 N2.3 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.31.N2.3

Barts and the London Medical School, London, UK.

Over recent decades, survival rates have improved for cancers in both children and adults. In 2009 it was estimated that approximately two million people were living with or beyond cancer in the UK, rising by 3% a year. Patients are generally aware of the short-term side effects of cancer therapies but ‘late effects’ of cancer treatment, occurring months to years after therapy is completed, are less well appreciated. Detailed and large-scale longitudinal studies have shown that the endocrine system is a frequent casualty of cancer therapies and an understanding of these outcomes may help us to optimise treatments. This may help us to maintain benefits while reducing long-term risks. This knowledge also helps us to support our patients in preparation and planning for their future.

We will consider several areas for discussion including:

•The effects of cancer and its treatment in childhood on the later gonadal function and reproductive capacity of male and female adult survivors.

•How the treatment of various cancers in adulthood affects gonadal function and reproductive capacity of both male and female cancer survivors.

•Who is at particular risk, whether the risk can be predicted and whether there are strategies for damage limitation and fertility preservation in both men and women who are being treated for cancer.

•The management of hormone replacement therapy in adult men and women who have hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis dysfunction after treatment for cancer. Are there particular risks of such therapy in these individuals?

•How we can counsel and help men and women to make decisions about their management based on the evidence that we have available.

We will also consider whether published guidance is available to help us and what further information might be useful to gather in the future.

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