ICEECE2012 Poster Presentations Steroid metabolism + action (19 abstracts)
Institute of Endocrinology, Prague 1, Czech Republic.
Objective: It is known sex steroids affect fat distribution with men and women. With men there is a tendency to deposit fat abdominally. Men are more likely to have more visceral fat than premenopausal women, with whom the preferential fat distribution is gluteofemoral and the percentage of body fat overall higher. Androgens may affect fat tissue with men either directly by androgen receptor stimulation, or indirectly by oestrogen receptor stimulation after aromatization. Interesting relationships between the parameters of metabolic syndrome and non-aromatizable metabolites of testosterone have been discussed in literature.
Aim of the study: The analysis of the relation between anthropometric parameters, lipid spectrum, glycemia, insulin resistance and the level of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.
Methods: We examined a set of 195 men and determined their testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, SHGB, lipid spectrum, glucose metabolism parameters and the oral glucose tolerance test; also measured were their anthropometric parameters (weight, height, waist, hips, waist to hip ratio, 14 skin folds) and body composition was calculated.
Results: Comparing the hormone levels and anthropometric parameters, we found a negative correlation between weight, skin folds, waist, hips, waist to hip ratio, BMI, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and insulin resistance on one side and the level of both testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT5α) and SHBG on the other side. We found a positive correlation between HDL cholesterol and muscle mass on one side and the T, DHT levels and SHBG on the other side.
Conclusions: We found a negative relation between anthropometric parameters and both testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. We did not find any difference between aromatizable and non-aromatizable steroids with healthy, normosthenic men.
Acknowledgement: Supported by IGA MZČR 12340-5 grant, IGA MZČR 11277-3, GAUK 367511 and by project Advanced education of own staff in clinical and molecular endocrinology (CZ.2.17/1.1.00/32386). [email protected]
Declaration of interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research project.
Funding: This work was supported, however funding details unavailable.