ICEECE2012 Poster Presentations Male Reproduction (63 abstracts)
1Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania; 2Klaipedos Jurininku ligonine, Palanga, Lithuania; 3Kaunas Vocational Training Centre for Bussines Specialists, Palanga, Lithuania; 4Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinics, Kaunas, Lithuania.
EMAS - SFQ is recently available instrument, validated and prooved valid in multicentral European study of more than 3000 eldery men (OConnor DB, Corona G & Forti G et al. 2008). This questionnaire assess male sexual functions rather than only erection disturbances.
The aim of this study was to perform translation of EMAS - SFQ from English to Lithuanian for assessing elderly Lithuanian men suffering of prostate cancer. Permission for translation was kindly offered by I Huhtaniemi and J Finn as well as detailed procedure when having the questionnaire translated to Lithuanian.
The procedure consisted of translation backtranslation of two pairs of persons, resulting in two versions of Lithuanian EMAS SFQ followed by expert evaluation, resulting in the only final version. Instructions for translators were: <no deadline, no hurry, but quality>. Quality of translation was considered text to be close to English original and Lithuanian language and understanding.
Permission for translation - 6th October, Final version pair 1st26th October. Final version pair 2nd6th December. Final version of EMAS SFQ 10th December.
1st pair psychiatristendocrinologist/ andrologist, 2nd pair endocrinologistpsychologist, expert evaluationendocrinologist/andrologist/sexologist and endocrinologist/sexologist/English philologist.
197 positions for translation were found in EMAS SFQ.
63 positions (32%) were evaluated by experts as the same in sense and grammar between 1st and 2nd pairs.
57 positions (28.95%) were evaluated by experts in favour of the 1-st pair translation, and 27 positions (13.7%) in favour of the 2-nd pair translation.
In 21 position (10.65%) text was finally modified by experts.
Final version of EMAS - SFQ was approoved by experts.
The final version was composed of positions with the same sense and grammar in both pairs of translators, favoured positions of 1-st or 2-nd pair of translators and all the positions with modified text.
Proposed procedure of translation proves that the only translation - backtranslation may be insufficient for optimal result.
Model of translation using two pairs of translators backtranslators plus expert evaluation elucidates coincidences and differences in translation and permits the emission of final optimal version.
Declaration of interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research project.
Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector.