Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2012) 29 EN1.4

ICEECE2012 Endocrine Nurse Symposium (1) (10 abstracts)

Choosing the right sex steroid replacement option for patients: the role of the endocrine nurse

Shashana Shalet (Endocrine Advanced Nurse Practitioner)

In the UK the expansion of nurses’ autonomy and scope of practice over recent years means that the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) can effectively provide a quality service to endocrine patients. The role of the endocrine CNS in enabling patients to choose the right sex steroid replacement option does not differ much from the Doctor’s role. The CNS does, however, often have more time to provide the necessary education to the patient required to make an informed choice and thereby potentially increasing compliance with their chosen therapy. The CNS is able to review the patient and their medications on a more frequent basis which again can support compliance with treatment.

A sound knowledge base of the available treatment options and the ability to focus those options down to meet the exact needs of the individual patient is a key element in providing this service. By understanding the benefits and risks of individual medications, being knowledgeable around the necessary precautions as well as creating a trusting relationship with the patient through clear communication the role of the endocrine CNS is to support the informed choice process. It is important that there are clear and structured clinical guidelines that support this process and ensure the safety of both the patient and the CNS.

Volume 29

15th International & 14th European Congress of Endocrinology

European Society of Endocrinology 

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