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Society for Endocrinology BES 2012


Testosterone in men: how long can you go?

ea0028s3.3 | Testosterone in men: how long can you go? | SFEBES2012

What is the best form of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) ?

Bouloux Pierre-Marc

The current indication for TRT is hypogonadism, a syndrome complex combining hypogonadal symptoms and low testosterone concentrations. The optimal formulation for the treatment of hypogonadism is one that generates a physiological testosterone concentration in the age adjusted reference range, as well as the concentration of its metabolites oestradiol and dihydrotestosterone, while ideally mimicking the circadian rhythm in younger subjects. Optimal treatment should lead to cor...

ea0028s3.4 | Testosterone in men: how long can you go? | SFEBES2012

Can testosterone therapy be stopped in some hypogonadal patients?

Raivio Taneli

Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) is characterized by deficient secretion and/or action of GnRH. The combination of hyposmia/anosmia and HH is termed Kallmann syndrome (minimal incidence estimate for men 1:30 000 and 1:125 000 in women, Laitinen et al. OJRD 2011), and, when the sense of smell is intact, normosmic HH (nHH). Even 10% of CHH patients may undergo reversal of hypogonadotropism after the age of 20 yrs (Raivio T et al. NEJM 2007), and the mo...