Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2011) 25 P220

1Scunthorpe General Hospital, Lincolnshire, UK; 2Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Lincolnshire, UK.

Back ground: Radio iodine treatment is widely used in the management of hyperthyroidism. Recent guidelines have stressed the importance of advising patients of the recommendations with regard to radiation protection, and the implications of radioiodine treatment in relation to work, travel and contact with the family. We carried out a survey to assess our joint radioiodine clinic approach where all patients referred for treatment are assessed jointly by a consultant endocrinologist (Practitioner) and Medical Physicist Expert (Operator) to ensure adequacy of information received.

Survey process: A questionnaire was devised and posted to patients who had been given radioiodine capsule from January 2007 – January 2009. The questionnaire were divided into four main domains; i) Written information received prior to the clinic appointment, ii) Information given at the clinic appointment, iii) Information at the time of treatment administration, and iv) How happy patients with the information provided and the journey through the radioiodine treatment.

Results: One hundred and fifty patients were sent a questionnaire to complete with 100 (66.6%) returning a completed questionnaire.

SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryNot answered/ unsure
Pre clinic information9622
Leaflet regarding the treatment9612
Treatment explained10000
Post procedure precautions explained9514
Accessibility to hospital9451
Overall satisfaction9802

Conclusion: Majority of patients surveyed were well informed about the radioiodine treatment and precautions related to radiation protection following their clinic appointment. We recommend a joint practitioner and operator assessment of patients undergoing radioiodine therapy to ensure a unified and detailed information with regards to radiation protection and implication of radioiodine treatment.

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