Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2009) 20 P513

Department of Endocrine Disorders, City Clinical Hospital N4, Tbilisi, Georgia, USA.

The hyperprolactinemic disorder is a syndrome of prolactin hypersecretion. The syndrome is more prevalent in women than in men, but lately accidence of the syndrome disease tends to increase in men. Hyperprolactinemic disorder mostly affects men at the age range 40–59 years. Patients at the physician’s consultation have following complaints: erectile dysfunction, infertility, libido reduction, rarely gynecomastia.

Sixteen patients were examined at the Endocrinology department of the medical faculty of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, clinical and laboratory evaluation showed hyperprolactinemic disorder. The average age of research participants was 19–62 years. The purpose of our research was to study etiological factors of the disease, clinical setting and the optimal choice of treatment. The following tests and investigations were performed: 1) plasma prolactin 2) plasma free testosterone; 3) plasma ACTH and cortizol; 4) TSH and FT4; 5) liver function tests; 6) ultrasound densitometry; 7) MRI. Patient examination and anamnesis revealed following etiologic factors: In 4 cases the hyperprolactinemia was linked to primary hypothyroidism, in 3 cases hyperprolactinemia was caused by pharmacologic agents (2 – drug materials and 1-Ca channel blockers), in 1 case previous to hyperprolactinemia there was an onset to infectious diseases, in 4 cases adrenal gland hyperplasia was diagnosed, in 2 events – there was a trauma damage, in 2 cases of hyperprolactinemia etiological factors were not established.

The choice of the treatment made was decreed on the bases of anamnesis and clinical–laboratorial investigations. Long term treatment reported positive results in 14 cases.

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