BSPED2008 Poster Presentations (1) (56 abstracts)
County Durham, County Durham, UK.
Introduction: For years we have used data downloaded from blood glucose meters (BGM) in our diabetes clinic as an aid for discussion and management. Unfortunately allowing free choice of BGM needs several different download programmes and cables, introducing unnecessary complexity and delay. DIASEND® developed by the Swedish company Aidera AB represents a possible solution.
Methods: DIASEND® combines hardware and software with a secure internet server to allow patients and clinicians to access the data on any computer with internet access. The hardware consists of a small box that reads most of the current BG meters and several makes of insulin pumps using appropriate USB cables or built in infrared receiver. The data is transmitted directly to the internet server using General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). The clinicians have access to all the patients data while individuals can access their own data. There is a facility for the exchange of messages. The suite of analysis tools allow graphical, tabular and statistical analysis of the data.
Results: We have used DIASEND® since June 2008. It is fast, effective and easy to use allowing the simultaneous merger of data from several meters. The download process is than with the native software, results appearing almost instantaneously. The children download their own meters and pumps on arrival at clinic allowing all clinicians to use the data during individual consultations, not possible previously.
Outcomes: The device is currently on trial but there is normally an annual charge, inclusive of license, support and GPRS data transfer. It is undoubtedly the best all round pump and meter downloading solution ever used in our clinic.