Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2007) 14 P518

ECE2007 Poster Presentations (1) (659 abstracts)

Brown tumor in hyperparathyroidism – clinical case

Zelija Velija-Asimi & B Helijc

University Clinical Centre of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A 66 years old woman on orthopedic clinic, was resection of tibias tumor in both legs because was suspicion of primary bone neoplasm or metastases (X-ray showed osteolytic lesion). Histology was: osteitis fibrosa cystica - Brown tumor. After resection the patient was referred to the endocrinologist because of persistently high calcemia (3.3 mmol/l). Blood tests showed normal CRP but elevated alkaline phosphatase of 173 U/l. Phosphate was low at 0.75 mmol/l (0.81–1.58). Parathyroid hormone (PTH) was elevated at 1450 pg/ml (10–65 pg/ml). Renal function was normal. CT scans of chest and abdomen was normal. But echosonography of parathyroid gland showed tumor structure size 4 cm of lower parathyroid gland in the right side. This tumor resected. The histological examination confirmed the parathyroid carcinoma. Post parathyroidectomy her calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphates and PTH are in normal limits. When X-ray shows an osteolytic lesion, PTH and calcemia should be performed to exclude the primary hyperparathyroidism.

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